Chapter 9:

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"Here's the plan." Aspen looked concentrated. " Malcolm and I will leave out the vent and go through the door, pretending to be rebel guards. We'll sign up to guard the King and Queen, and let you out through the vent, where you guys will be waiting to take them back to the palace." he gestured to the remaining guards as he said that.

"Sounds good." Maxon said. "How long will it take to get us back to the palace?" 

"We came with a truck, so just over a half an hour." Aspen replied.

 Aspen and Malcolm left out the vent, followed by the other guards. That left Maxon and I, alone once again. We moved closer and wrapped our arms around each other. 

"Do you think this will work?" I asked.

"America, do you trust Aspen with your life?" Maxon asked. Of course I did. Aspen was like a brother to me. 

"Yes." I said.

"Then I do too. Even though we had a rough start, Aspen and I have become closer." he said. 

It was true. At first, Maxon was uncomfortable around Aspen.But over time, he had warmed up to him. 

"Maxon, if we don't make it out, if- if we.... die, I want you to know that I love you more than humanly possible." I said. I usually wasn't this somber, but I wanted him to know that.

"I love you more than humanly possible too, America. But we won't die. We'll make it out and start a family." as he said this, he knocked on the wooden food platter for good luck. That made me laugh. We hugged eachother, and he started kissing me right before Aspen walked in.

"Um... Are you guys ready to escape, or should we give you some more time?" Aspen said. 

I could tell he still wasn't completely comfortable with Maxon and I showing affection, but his opinion didn't matter. I giggled a little bit and Maxon laughed too.

"No, let's go!" Maxon said. Aspen told us he had put the security cameras on a loop, so the DFI wouldn't notice we had escaped.

 We climbed through the vent and got into the back of the truck and headed back home.

"See," Maxon said. "I told you we'd be ok." 

He looked at me like he always did, like I was the only thing that mattered. I returned the look, like I always did, and we kissed. His lips were soft on mine and he tangled his fingers in my hair. We were disturbed by a guard opening the truck door, bringing light into the dark of the truck. 

We were home. Maxon and I were greeted by May and Mom sprinting towards us in their day dresses and heels. It was comical.

"Ames!" May shouted, ignoring the etiquette Silvia taught her. "We were so worried about you! Are you ok?" she hugged me really tight, but I didn't care. 

"I'm fine, May. I'm ok." 

Mom came and joined our family hug, followed by Gerad and Kenna, with Astra in her arms. I looked over my shoulder to see Maxon smiling at us. I gestured for him to join, and he was reluctant.

 Mom must have seem him, because she said, "Come on, Maxon. You're part of this family too." Maxon walked over and wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like that until Mom broke apart. "Look at you." she said. " You're a mess!" 

There was my mother. She sent for a maid to help me get cleaned up. I was really dirty. My dress was ripped, there was mud all over my skirt and face. My hair was all messy, and I was missing an earring.

"How about this dress, Your Majesty?" Mary held up a light blue dress with tulle ruffles on the skirt.

"That's perfect." I said. "And from now on, you call me America." I didn't like it when people called me Your Majesty or Queen or anything like that.

"Really, Your Highness-" she protested.

"My goodness Mary, just call me America!" I told her.

"Ok um.... America." Mary said. 

She got me dressed and cleaned up and I went to eat supper. I was starving. At the rebel headquarters, they only gave us a bowl of water and some stale bread. As I headed to the dining room, I ran into Aspen.

"Oh!" I said. "I didn't see you there."

"Me neither, Mer." he said as he playfully punched me.

"Thanks for coming to save Maxon and I." I said.

"You know I wouldn't let you stay there. I love you." 

Wait, what?

He looked as if that last part slipped out accedentaly.

"What?" I asked. Aspen took a deep breath and made a confession.

" Ever since you married Maxon, I've been jealous." he said. "I still love you, Mer." 

I was surprised that after all this time, Aspen still loved me. My heart lied with Maxon, and it would forever. And Aspen married Lucy. If she found out, she'd be heartbroken.

"Aspen, you married Lucy!" I said. " Why?" I was so confused as to why he would do such a thing.

"I thought that I would forget about you if I concentrated in something else. But I can't get you out of my mind." he said guiltily.

"Aspen! You know that I love Maxon! Before we had something, but that is gone now! To just hurt Lucy like that!" I was full of rage now. " Where has the old Aspen gone? The one that walked me down the aisle. The one that I loved like a brother. Where?" I shot him a piercing look and he hung his head.

 He looked hurt, but I didn't care. He deserved it.

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