Chapter 7:

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I woke up breathing heavy, my forehead slick with sweat. "It's not real." I whispered to myself. "Not again." 

Ever since I had the miscarriage, I'd been having nightmares. I went to a therapist and they had been better, but they hadn't ended.

"America! What's wrong?" Maxon sat bolt upright. 

Great. I woke him up.

"I'm fine, Maxon. It was just another dream." I really didn't want to bug Maxon, but it was too late now.

"Are you sure?" 

Even in the dark, I could see the worry on his face. 

His face relaxed." I'm really sorry you had to go through that. If I could have changed it, I would. I hate to see you going through this. All I want is for you to be happy."

"I know, Maxon." I yawned. " Can you snuggle me?" I felt like I needed protection right now, and I always felt protected in Maxon's arms.

"Of course." he pulled me closer.

 I fell asleep in his arms, feeling safe. In the morning, I rolled over to find empty sheets.

"Ugh." Maxon must have gotten up to go to work. 

I got up and got myself dressed and did my hair. My maids weren't here, but I didn't mind. I headed to breakfast, and found Maxon in his study afterwards.

"What are you working on?" usually, I helped with Maxon's duties, but lately I hadn't.

"Well, just planning to eliminate castes 5 and 4." 

Even though I hated the castes, I was kind of sad my old caste was being eliminated. I guess Maxon could see it in my eyes.

"Are you totally sure you want to go through with this?" Maxon asked.

"Of course! I hate the castes. It's just that my old caste is going to be gone forever. All my family's past will be erased."

Maxon put his arms around me and danced me across the room. "Ah, yes. But, we can make a future for our family that will live on forever." 

He looked at me like I was the only person that mattered in the world. And honestly, when I was with him, he made me feel like I was the only person they mattered in the world. we danced around the room to no music, our eyes locked.

"Maxon," I asked. "Can we go on a date?"

"Like ones when we were in the Selection?" Maxon asked with a grin on his face.

"Yeah. just you and me." I needed some time to recover; just me and Maxon.

"I don't know. I have some paperwork to do..."

"Maxon Schreave, by the order of the Queen, I command you to go on a date with me!" I shouted in mock anger.

"Yes, my Queen." Maxon said. "Anything for you my de-- wife." he corrected himsef.

"That's Your Royal Wifeness to you, young man." I said, pretending to be strict. "Now, are we going or not?" 

"Ok, let's go. But, if you expect me to call you Your Royal Wifeness, you have to call me Your Royal Husbandness." Maxon added with a goofy grin.

"Okay then, Your Royal Husbandness. Let's spend the afternoon on the roof." the roof was special to us. It was our place.

"Good choice, Your Royal Wifeness. Shall I send for a basket for lunch?" Lunch sounded good. But, it could wait.

" I have a better idea, Your Royal Husbandness." I got a nearby maid to bring us an old fashioned record player and records with slow dancing music.

Maxon and I spent the afternoon on the roof, dancing and talking and laughing. The afternoon had been the most fun I'd had in a long time. Life was finally coming back together. Right after the miscarriage, I didn't know if I was ever going to feel happy again. I was wrong. This is the happiest I've been in a long time. I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up.

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