Hopelessness would do that to a person, zap them of all their strength until they could barely even talk. Levi almost couldn't believe he still had enough left in him to even voice the question as he was struggling to simply breathe.

Cassie nodded, "As far as I know there is no cure. But, my mother did seem surprised that the four of you had all reincarnated. I don't know much about my mother's mind but I do know this, she doesn't waste words. Her saying that must mean something at least."

Levi didn't know what it would mean that they were all the same souls but it was enough to make him continue breathing again.

"What if I..." Levi found his jaw clenching as he readied himself to ask the question, "If I reject Jane – will that change anything?"

"It may buy her some extra time."

Cassie answered honestly and Levi nodded not sure if he would be able to say anything else at this time. He didn't want to reject Jane, these last few weeks his feelings towards her had grown so strong that even the thought of rejecting her had his wolf thrashing angrily within him.

But as much as he wanted her, as much as he needed her he wanted her to be safe. And if he could buy her just a little more time than he would do it. And would hurt her to be rejected and it would destroy him, but he couldn't allow her to die.

There was nothing more important to him than her life, and he realized that now. Without a doubt in his mind, he would do whatever it took to keep her alive, even if it was only for just a little while longer.

"Thank you, Cassie," Levi smiled at her although it was so forced that he felt as though someone else had yanked his facial muscles into place to create the expression, "And for what it's worth, I'm sorry for what my brother and I did to you. We shouldn't have been so careless towards you."

She shrugged, "It's in the past now. I've put it behind me. I just thought I would let you know before you have to see Jane again."

Levi almost didn't want to see her, because he knew that when he did see her it would be bittersweet he'd have to let her go in order to protect her.

"I also thought I might tell you this because both Jane and Anouchka have just arrived in the pack lands a few minutes ago."

Of course, they have.

Levi slowly stood from behind his desk, feeling as though his body was on autopilot as he followed Cassie out of the room and down towards the front entrance of the pack house. Although his sense of smell was weak for an Alpha he picked up on her scent seconds before he saw her.

It seemed the European air had been good to her, she seemed even prettier than the last time that he'd seen her. He almost couldn't believe how idiotic he had been when he'd first just waved her off as an ordinary plain Jane.

He was clearly dumb and blind, he thought bitterly as he made his way to the bottom of the stairs and waited for her to turn to him.

He knew that for her safety and for her own well-being that he should say hi to her and end whatever it was that was occurring between them. He should reject her and spare her a few more days of life before his family curse would rip them away from her. But as soon as he big, innocent brown eyes landed on him he was lost.

For a moment, his mind travelled back to a quiet night in the city of Rome when it had just been the two of them. A night that he would remember and treasure for the rest of his life and could remember with incredible accuracy as he stared into her eyes.

He needed to be stronger.

He needed to rebuild that wall between the two of them and stop her from getting hurt. She was his mate and it was his duty to protect her. She was his Tiny and he couldn't let her die because of him.

"Jane I-"

His words were suddenly halted as she flung herself into him, wrapping her small arms around his neck as she squeezed him tightly and buried her face into him. He was too shocked to move at first and simply stood there stiff, his rejection lodged in his throat as she murmured into his chest, "I missed you."

He found her softly whispered words melting his rigidness and he wound his arms around her in response. Holding her close as he said, "I missed you too."

Not yet

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Not yet.

His mind chanted as he held his Tiny is his arms.

He would wait just a little longer before he ended this thing between them. Because although he cared for her deeply and would do anything to be by her side forever he knew that was not the case. Holding her tighter, he pushed aside all thoughts of what he would eventually have to do. And he swore as he nuzzled his face into her neck he heard her say, "I've found a loophole."



Jane might've found a loophole! Anyone want to guess what it is?

So you may or may not have noticed I changed the cover image for RR and the bio, I want to hear your guys thoughts. I changed the cover because I felt not only was it time to do so but, I needed to use images that I had the legality to use.


If you're a mature aged reader make sure to check out my other story, "How To Be Bad" 

OR if you're looking to read another werewolf story for me, make sure you follow me because I will be posting a new werewolf story really soon. And I'm super excited to share it with you all!!


BTW anyone else who's as single and lonely as I am on this loved-up-day and is looking for a Valentine I will be your Valentine ;)



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