Chapter 1

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Two days after the valentines wedding.
Rachel P.O.V.

I woke up in my New York apartment under my purple comforter and sheets. I was laying in bed thinking about Mr. Shue and how his wedding is canceled, Why Ms. Pillsberry left him at the alter, And last of all Finn. Finn and I hooked up after the reception and I came back to New York, Finn stayed in Lima, and I'm still with Brody. A few minutes later I start to feel sick, so I rush to the bathroom and puke my guts out. I try to remember what I ate yesterday, maybe that's it. I went back to my bed and 3 minutes later I'm at the toilet again hurling. Santana walks in my bathroom and pulls my hair back and asks me the question I was trying to avoid. "Rachel? Are you pregnant?"

-I know it's short but I wanted it to seem like a cliff hanger. Continue reading there's more.

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