Chapter 11 Preparations

Start from the beginning

"I understand your predicament and your decision. You are a wise leader Bard. After this is over I believe you can be a good king to your people," I say with a nod of respect. "The Woodland Realm shall be your ally for as long as I have a say." Bard smiles at me thankfully making the corners of his eyes crinkle. He is a genuine good man. "And even after I am gone I will assume Thranduil would like to keep you close." Bard stiffens and the faintest of blushes comes to his cheeks.

"Thank you Advisor Natalie."




I watch from afar as the dwarves grab weapons and put on armor. They look grim and angry.

"I can't believe this has happened this way," I whisper sullenly.

"I know seems it was just yesterday we were drinking and partying in Rivendall," Emily murmurs. "Now we're preparing for war."

"This won't be the first battle I've seen and certainly it's not the last but I have a feeling it'll be the worst," Alex mutters. She's picking at her nails and frowning. "I've never had a battle that had more than one friend involved..I have also never fought with one eye fucked to hell."

"Well I've been in a war before. It wasn't fun. Actually wait it was, but that's only because it was stupid orcs we were fighting against," Sam adds with a shrug.

"I've seen war before. It's a bloody mess," Jacob remarks.

"I don't know how to fight very well. But I will because I want to help," I utter. "I'm scared though."

"We all are Lacy," Sam admits and rubs my shoulder. It's a small gesture but it helps ease my nerves. I'll fight for them, I'll fight for my friends.

Allie is by Thorin wearing a downed expression and watching him. Thorin makes sure she is never more than arms reach away.

"Master Baggins, come here," Thorin beckons and Bilbo walks forward breaking away from Sam and Jacob. Thorin is holding up two silvery chainmail shirts. "You're going to need this. As will you my lady Allie." Thorin presses one vest into Bilbos hands.

"They are very nice Thorin," Allie states with a big fake smile.

"Put it on," Thorin tells Bilboe and he pulls of his coat. "This vest is made of silver steel. Mithril it was called by my forebears. No blade can pierce it." Bilbo nods gratefully and pulls the vest over his head.

"I look absurd. I'm not a warrior, I'm a Hobbit," Bilbo remarks exasperated.

"It is a gift, a token of our friendship. True friends are hard to come by," Thorin says and smiles fondly. "And for you my lady it is a token of my deep affections."

Allie gives him a real smile and let's Thorin help her into the vest. It seems to have been tailored for her. It clips in the back and has gaps for her wings.

"You're too kind my lord," Allie murmurs and gently strokes his cheek. "Too kind."




I see Thorin truly and honestly through his eyes now. The blue mist seems to have cleared for a moment. He reaches up and holds my hand against his cheek gingerly.

"You have a true heart."

Thorin glances around and suddenly pulls me away from the others.

"Thorin what are you doing?" I hiss as he drags us back.

"I have been blind, but now I'm beginning to see. I am betrayed!" I hold in a nervous gasp and try to look earnest.


"The of them has taken it. One of them is false," Thorin growls. The gold lust is back in his eyes. The moment of clarity is over.

"Thorin, the quest is fulfilled, you've won the Mountain. Is that not enough?" I ask in a small voice. I pray I don't set him off.

"Betrayed by my own kin."

"No, made a promise to the people of Lake-Town. Now is this treasure truly worth more than your honor? Our honor, Thorin. I was also there, I gave my word," I say managing to keep the shake out of my voice. I remember Laketown clearly. I remember the Master discreetly pulling me and Bilbo aside. We gave our word that Thorin was honest.

"For that, I'm grateful. It was nobly done. But the treasure in this Mountain does not belong to the people of Lake-town. This ours, and ours alone," Thorin responds. His voice is clear and deadly. The look in his eyes makes me nervous and slightly terrified. He grabs my arm and hold them making me look into his eyes.

As I look at Thorin I stop seeing him and start seeing Smaug and hearing Smaug.

"With my life I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it."

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