Chapter 42: Beyond Secrets

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Third Person...

Nasa isang gazeebo ang batang babae na naka Hanbok, sa gitna ng isang inspired European Maze garden.

"Arisha, excited ka na ba sa birthday mo bukas?" tanong ng isang babae sa kanya.

"Nei!" sagot ng batang babae.

"What gift do you like for your birthday?"

"Eomma, appa! I want both of them on my birthday... " hindi malaman ng babae ang tamang sasabihin.

Kita sa mukha ng babae ang lungkot, dahil batid niyang hindi iyon matutupad. Ilang birthdays na ba ang dumaan na hindi man lang masilayan ng batang si Arisha ang mga magulang sa importanteng araw ng buhay niya.

"Hmmn, we'll see what we can do, but I can't promise you anything, okay?" binigyan niya ng matamis na ngiti ang batang babae habang hinihimas ang buhok nito sa likod ng ulo.

Nilingon siya ng batang babae at binigyan ng ngiti, hindi man lang umabot sa mata nito ang ngiting iyon.

"You know what?!" tawag pansin niya sa bata, nilingon siya nitong muli and the little girl made a confused face.

The lady giggled as she held the hand of the little girl and rub it like a porcelain.

"Do you know the story behind your name?" she asked without hesitation.

The little girl didn't utter even a single word, wearing a confused look, still she manage to move sidewardly her head, saying 'no'.

(ATTENTION:The story behind the name 'Arisha' is not found from any references this is only a work of fiction. Thank you!)

"There is this young girl living in the streets of the city of Ul'janovsk / Ульяновская область [Ulyanovsk], she was born during the World War 1. An orphan because her mother died when she was born, and was delivered at the church, where the start of the imparialism of Christianity in the City. A crucial event of the world, but a child was born and named 'Arisha' means Peace. It was an astounding event for them not for the world, they believe that the child is a blessing from above, from Him. That the child will bring peace as she carries like her name. Not to fight with the international enemies but to give peace for everybody, who believes she's a blessing. A first smile, her first word, her first stand; also the first walk and run is a feast for everyone. She grew up in a right and good way. Those who raised and cared for her, never regret on adopting her as their own, because they are happy just looking at her grew up well. When she was Twenty years old, the Second World War begun. They were ate by fear, they stayed at undergounds to protect theirselves from the bombs, even in caves, she was afraid for her people, most especially to her known family. Seeing them aged and trying to survive from the war, the pain on her chest stayed for a long time. Until, they are slowly gone, without noticing the years passed so fast. Their city is in the brink of chaos. One day, she went outside from the cave to find food for evryone, they were too afraid to go outside that Arisha has the only courage to do the dangerous task. While looking for food she accidentally saw a body floating in the shallow river. She walks near to see to it. She was alarmed, didn't know what to do if it is an enemy of her people. But her braveness is desirable, that you can't imagine a woman can do such thing. She walks closer than it was, grab the body and flipped it. Shock was immediately registered to her face. A moment, she looked at the features of the 'whose-body-is-it'. White complexion, long-pointed nose, perfect brown eyebrows, a thin-red lips, well-made jaw, then she realized an unknown body is in delicate situation. She immediately put her finger on the top of the body's nose, but sense nothing, she puts her finger at the neck where she can feels a beat, and to make sure she had to here a single breath, while her ears near at the body's mouth. She hears sound, that made her stiffened and a wide-eyed looked at the body. She thought that it's her end. She call His name for guidance and protection. Later on, she realized that it was alive and she needs to cure him. She patiently carried him back to their secret place. She thought that it was a hilarious idea of bringing a stranger to their safest place. But thinking that she needs to convince her people for the sake of others too. They will surely believe in her, that's what she's believing in. She gets ready herself before entering in the cave, it's eerie that no one can foresee that there are people living in this place. She enters, everyone standing at their places. Confusions, anger, fear, and other strange looks that are foreign to her. She set aside her worries those thought of her people to her. Murmour everywhere. An old man with a cane on his right hand, walk through the crowd and went right infront, or mostly at the center of the crowd. 'My people, what are you afraid of? What those angers are for? What those cofused looks darted it to Her?' The old man said with full of power and autorization in it's voice, while the cane is pointed to her. 'My child!' The old man said in a sweet voice and she immediately looked at him. 'What are your thoughts?' A familiar feeling tingling on her body 'Papa', a tear escape on her right eye. "Looking for a substantial on my way. I was bewildered by looking at him floating at the shallow. I was afraid, but that fear was easily gone the moment i saw him in that kind of condition. Even his comrades can't attend to him on his danger zone. He is one of us, he is also my people, he is also my responsiblity, he is the man of my country. I don't need people who are afraid to die for my country. They made my country into a slump. We didn't fight insread we hid in this eerie cave. Living years in here maybe for the rest of our lives. A difficult situation wont get easy if we put another situation that way harder than what we have. We must think of other ways on how to end up this crucial world it had.'. She calm after a while, her people looking at her full of amusement in their eyes, for the past years she had been deaf and silent.'My child! This world became crucial by people's actions, it wasn't made by just one being. Your country wasn't an exception to the chaos, your country; this world is not safe to those who thinks that they are more powerful than our Creator always remeber that. You are the one who made decisions and must not your people. You have to dig your own principles and not resembling others. Making decisions is like changing future on your own. It is walking with fate and faith in Him. You have your own, your people isn't own you. It is you, claim yourself, don't let your people claim what is entirely yours. Now tend this man. Now if you'll excyse me My Child.' The conversation ends. An eye-opener to everyone. She started tending the wounded soldier man. Some help her and some went to look for food. This soldier of her country, gain the whole being of her. She's now offering her life to hwr, after all, she fell in love the moment she landed her eyes on him. Situations will get through, no matter what or whose life is at stake. What matters most, making decisions that will change everything in the future. Her people, has the thought, 'Just by her words, everything gets clearer and at peace. Everything works on, everyone striving for this cruel world.'

"When you grow up, you'll understand, Gongjunim..." a pat on her head that the old lady has need to do.

Kyoko Sema...

"Ahjumma, now i understand. No! I fully understand long time ago. I messed up ahjumma, ohttoke? Jaebal ohttoke?!" I scroutched my being at my bed. What should i do? My whole life became a mess the moment their lives took from me.

"Eomma... Appa, Ahjumma, bogosipseumnida..." in a state like this, naaawa ako sa sarili ko. I feel so helpless, coz i am all alone.

Why i end up like this? Why i end up like being the terrorist of my own country. Why i end up betraying myself. Why i end up being unloved? Why i end up being isolated, hated, feared, being disgraceful to my country. This isn't me. This is not Princess Arisha Yi's way of living and get justice. This is not the 'Last Lost Princess of Korea' to act like this. I was born to be phenomenal. I was born to give justice for my people. I was born to fight what is mine and mine alone. I was born to fight back and not to be used by who claimed what is mine from the beginning. I was born to rule my country. I was born to command not the another way round. I wasn't born for this!

Not now, but i surely promise to the grave those i love most. I will gain what is mine!

I'm The Assassin PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon