Rumour Mill.

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 I woke up the next day with a killer head ache. I really need to stop drinking for a while. I forced myself out of bed and into the shower, got dressed shoved all my stuff into my school bag and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. As soon as I smelt the eggs that my mum had cooked I ran to the bathroom trying not to puke on the floor. After emptying my stomach I brushed my teeth and went outside to wait for Jeremy to pick me up and take me to school.

“Hey gorgeous,” he smiled. I climbed into his car, leant over and gave him a kiss before turning up his radio as loud as possible.  He laughed at me while I was attempting to dance sitting down with my seatbelt on. I just poked my tongue at him and carried on as if it were perfectly normal.

When we got to school we gave each other a kiss goodbye before making our way to our separate classes. During English I was causally talking with Max when I noticed people whispering and giving me sideway glances, quickly looking away when I look at them.

“What’s all that about?” I nodded towards a bunch of preppy girls who were friends with Jasey. Not only were they whispering about something they were hard out staring at me.

“I have no idea,” he frowned, “just ignore them; they’re probably just trying to cause trouble.”

“Yeah... Okay,” I murmured not reassured in the slightest.

At lunch I walk/skipped up to Jeremy a huge smile on my face.

“Hey Jer!” I exclaimed wrapping my arms around him.

“You’re really going to come up to me and act all innocent? Like you’re not a filthy little whore?” He scoffed, hurt and anger burning in his eyes.

I didn’t know what to say. Pain struck my chest. What was he on about? Tears filled my eyes.

“Wh-what?” I stammered.

“You heard me. Stay away from me Anarchy; I don’t want anything to do with you.” With that he stormed off and went to sit with Jasey.

Oh FUCK. Of course, I’m an idiot. All the whispering this morning, I should’ve known Jasey was behind it. How can I convince Jeremy that she’s just making shit up? Tears still pouring down my face I went to the bathroom for some privacy.  I walked into an empty stall, put the lid down then just sat on top of it wiping at my eyes. I glanced up and written in huge writing on the door was, “Anarchy is a whore who slept with Mike and got pregnant.” All I could think of was, who the hell is Mike? I can’t believe Jeremy would actually believe this bullshit.

Just than my hangover struck and I quickly jumped off the toilet and emptied my guts into it. I flushed the toilet and walked out of the stall, right into Jasey

“Isn’t morning sickness horrible?” She inquired, smirking.

“What’s your problem?!” I shouted, “I’m not fucking pregnant and I would NEVER cheat on Jeremy.”

“Now no one likes a liar Ana, we all know what a slut you are and now Jeremy believes it to. I’ve finally got him all to myself. ”

“I am not a liar!” I spat, “Jeremy will never go back to you, everyone knows you’re the lying little slut. I mean come on you have to resort to lying to get him to pay attention to you? That’s beyond low.”

“Maybe, but at the end of the day, he doesn’t want to know you, but well, me on the other hand...” she didn‘t need to add anything at the end of that and she knew it. She turned around and walked out of the bathroom her followers closely behind.

I stormed out of school trying to hide the tears making their way down my face.

“Ana! Wait up!” I heard Max yell running to catch up to me, “what’s wrong?” He asked.

“Jasey got Jeremy to believe I cheated on him and now everyone thinks I’m pregnant,” I choked out.

“What?! Is he an idiot?” He wrapped his arms around me giving me a tight hug.

“No, I’m the idiot thinking it could actually work between us,” I mumbled into his shirt.

“First Mike now you’re moving onto one of my best friends?” I heard Jer roared. I looked up and saw him storming towards us.

“Jeremy-” I started but stopped short when he went straight up to Max and decked him.

“What the fuck man?!” Max moaned holing his nose, “you’re messed up if you think I’d go there with Ana, she’s like a sister! And you’re even more messed up to think she’d ever cheat on you! I can’t believe you actually believe Jasey! Here Ana is, balling her fucking eyes out and you just jump to conclusions? You have issues!” With that he stormed off trying to stop his nose from bleeding.

I glanced at him before turning and walking away unable t stop my tears.

“Ana, wait,” Jeremy said grabbing my wrist.

“No Jeremy,” I said pulling away from him, “I-I can’t believe you’d actually believe I would do that, you-you’re suppose to trust me, I’M YOUR FUCKING GIRL FRIEND! Well... I was your girlfriend.”

“Please...” He choked out.

“No, just, no,” I sighed walking away, trying to be brave. I ran to catch up with Max checking to see if he was okay.

“How’s your nose?” I asked.

“It’s fine,” he grunted.

“Let me see,” I ordered. After giving it a thorough check I deemed it okay.

“Want a ride anywhere?” He asked.

“Yeah, just home please.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JEREMY’S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“I fucked up,” I said sitting down next to Belle, Alex, Adrian, Kyle and Josh. I dropped my head into my hands the truth of what just happened sinking in. Had I just lost Ana? No, I can’t, she’s everything to me.

“Oh, god. What’d you do?” Belle asked knowing she wasn’t going to like the answer.

“Um, I may have punched Max in the face and accused Ana of cheating on me.”

“WHAT?!” Everyone yelled at once.

“You’re stupider than I thought,” Belle declared.

“I know,” I murmured, “how can I get her back?”

“I am SO not helping you with this one. You deserve to suffer for this.”

“Please,” I pleaded, “I need her. I HATE that I hurt her. I want to punch myself in the face,” I uttered.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know how I can help anyway,” she answered.

I stood up and walked to my car. I was going to go try talk to her again. As I was driving over to her house I was trying to think of ways to get her back.

I walked up to her door and knocked a couple times, waiting for her to answer. Finally she opened the door wiping tears off her face. I reached out trying to wipe away one she’d missed but she stepped back before I could reach her.

“What do you want Jeremy?” She asked.

“I want to talk.”

“No,” she said and went to close the door. I stopped the door quickly trying to think of something to say.

“Please Ana, I-I need you. I made a huge mistake. I know. Just please, let me make it up to you,” I begged.

“NO! Not this time Jeremy. I can't, I can't believe you could even THINK to accuse me of something like that, and to believe Jasey over me? Just no, go home Jeremy I don't want to hear it,” she claimed.

“Ana, please just hear me out,” I cried. She just shook her head before closing the door.

With my head down I walked back to my car. I came to the street and forgot to look up and check if any cars were coming.



Rumour Mill - We Are The In Crowd

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