What did the grass steal your lollipop?

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A/N short chapter sorry. should have the next 1 up relatively soon though.



I slowly started to wake up and felt a massive hangover suddenly hit me. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, just making it in time to throw up in the toilet. I tried to remember what happened last night but drew a blank.

How much did I drink???

"You might want this," Jeremy said as he walked in with some panadol (A/N if you don't know what it is it's pain medication) and a glass of water. I looked up at him and noticed he was only in boxers, I then realised I was sitting there completely naked and quickly tried to cover myself. Jer, laughing, ran grabbed a blanket off the bed and brought it to me.

I covered myself up and took the panadol before asking, "Ummm, Jer, what exactly happened last night?"

"Wait, you don't remember anything?" He asked.

"No Jeremy, I don't," I said seriously.

"Well, uhhh, you see I went looking for you and found you in your room, you were upset about something but wouldn't tell me so I tried to cheer you up by giving you  your birthday present which is that necklace you're wearing and well, uh, we MAY have had sex. ButIpromiseitwon'tchangeanything,we'restillfriends.Idon'twannaloseyouAna,pleaseIdon'twantthingstobecomeawkwardbetweenus."

I sat there trying to process the fact that I had, had sex with Jeremy - MY BESTFRIEND - when the last part of what he said hit me.

He just wanted to be friends? How can you go back to just being friends after you've had sex with each other? And what if I don't want to just be friends? But I don't wanna lose Jer either and it's what he wants... I siged out of anger with myself for feeling things I shouldn't.

"Yeah, of coarse," I said forcing a smile.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JEREMY'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I left Ana to shower, walked out to the garage and started helping with the clean up.

"Soooo, where'd you and Anarchy disappear to last night?" Alex asked.

"That's between us," I said trying to avoid the question.

"Come on. everyone knows you two got it on. What we really wanna know is if you are finally together," Belle said.

"No we're just friends, I don't wanna lose her and if we go out I will, I know it," I couldn't help wondering if this was the best decision, but if I lost her I'd be heartbroken. I can't risk it.

"You had SEX with her, HOW can you just be friends?" Josh asked.

"I'll work it out," I said as I went back to cleaning up.

"You're both idiots," Belle said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MONDAYYYYYYY(School) Ana's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was walking to the field where my friends and I hang out at lunch when some random guy walked up to me.

"Hey Ana," he said.

"Uh, hi? I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked.

"Sort of, I'm Adrian, we met at you're party on Saturday."

"Ohhhhh, yeah I don't remember ANYTHING from that night," I told him.

"Fair enough, you we're drinking quite a bit. Well like I said I'm Adrian, I just moved here, we have english, music and art together."

"Oh. that's cool," I said smiling, "hey, do you have anyone to hang out with? 'Cause if you want you can come hangout with me and my mates."

"I'd love to," he said smiling back and following me over to everyone.

"Everyone this is Adrian, Adrian this is everyone," I said to lazy to point at everyone and tell him their names. Everyone said hi back except for Jeremy who was just glaring at the ground.

"What did the grass steal your lollipop?" I asked jokingly.

"Pssh yes, bloody grass I'ma kill it one piece at a time," he said grinning at me.

"Well, have fun with that, might take awhile,"

"Nah I'm like a super fast, grass killing, ninjaaaaaah," this caused everyone to laugh or smile at his weirdness.

"Why are we friends with you?" Kyle asked.

"Because if you weren't you would be a loner with no one to hang out with because I am the awesomest person in the world,"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Belle said. Just then the bell went so we slowly got up to go to class it was last period so we all had music together.

"Hey you have music with us now don't you?" I asked Adrian who was walking beside me.

"Yeah I do," 

"Cool, we have to do group performance in a week and I wanted to do a cover of 'Both sides of the story' by 'We Are The In Crowd' but we need male vocals and Jeremy is gonna be singing with the other guys, do you wanna sing it with me? Belle will be playing guitar."

"Yeah, sounds great."

"Sweet it's sorted then."

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