Truth Or Dare

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"Hey Belle, truth or dare?" Max asked.

 "Isn't that game, like, so intermediate school?" Belle asked back

 "Who cares?" he said. "So, truth or dare?"

 "Truth, I guess."

 Max got an evil look on his face. "On a scale of one to ten, how good is Josh in bed?"

 The whole group had formed a group while he Max had asked his question. Everyone burst into laughter when both Belle and Josh turned roughly the colour of a tomato. Belle muttered something.

 "What?" Alex laughed.

 She muttered again, slightly louder.

 "What?" Kyle yelled.

 "EIGHT AND A HALF!" Belled screamed out suddenly, blushing furiously.

 Everyone fell into hysterics. Jeremy fell off his chair and everyone was on the verge of tears from laughing so hard. It was a good five minutes before everyone calmed down and could breathe normally. Alex was complaining that they killed his stomach while Max spoke.

 "Okay, okay, okay," he breathed out eventually, "your turn, Belle."

 She looked at the people around her. Her eyes landed on her loving boyfriend, Josh.

 "Josh, truth or dare?"

 "Baby, you know me. Dare." he said confidently.

 Belle grinned. "Okay then, Baby, I dare you to give Alex a lap dance for two minutes.

 Josh glared at Belle while Alex looked shocked. Josh positioned Alex's chair in the centre of the circle and sat Alex in it. Someone played the song Scream by Avenged Sevenfold.

 Josh began "sexy dancing" in front of Alex. He moved his hips and ran his hands over where his boobs would have been if he were a female. He moved over to Alex and "sexy danced" on him.

 "You know I wanna make you scream!" Josh breathed into Alex's ear along with the music accompanying him. Alex was blushing and shifting around uncomfortably.

 Finally, the two minutes was up. Josh sat back in his seat but Alex stood up awkwardly and moved his chair back to the circle slowly and sat down even slower. Kyle began to giggle, then full out laughing.

 "What the hell are you laughing at?" I asked.

 "Alex has a boner!" Kyle sang out. He was still giggling.

 Alex blushed more than Belle and Josh put together when they were questioned about their sex life. Everyone turned to look at Alex's crotch. He covered himself with his hands self-consciously and laughed awkwardly.

 "Okay..." Josh began, "My turn... Alex, truth or dare?"

 "After what just happened I'll have to go with truth."

 "Okay then, after me giving you a lap dance with me "sexy dancing"" -Josh put in finger quotes- "did I really give you a boner?"

 Everyone looked at Alex.

 "Yes, okay, yes. I did get a boner form Josh's lap dance. And just so you now, I'm gay!" Alex looked around at everyone. "Anyone got a problem with that?"

 Everyone gave different forms of "No": "Hell no", "Why would you think we'd think differently of you", "What the hell are you talking about a problem?".

 "Well," Alex said, "It's my turn so... Anarchy, truth or dare?"

 "Dare," I said simply, "I'm up to the challenge."

 "Kiss the sexiest guy out of our group." Alex dared bluntly.

 I blushed and Belle looked creepily happy, almost bouncing out of her seat. I gave her a look and Belle stopped bouncing.

I looked at the boys. My eyes flicking past Alex and Josh. Past Max. Past Kyle. And landed on Jeremy. I stood up and walked over to him, looking at the floor. When I was in front of him, I bent down. Looked him in the eyes. Leaned forward. And pressed my lips to his. Not even a second later I broke away, stood up, made my way back over to her chair and sat down. I shifted a few times then cleared my throat.

 "So, Jeremy, truth or dare?" Kyle asked

 "Uhhh... truth?" he questioned.

 "Honestly, how did that kiss feel?"

 The group went silent, looking at Jeremy expectantly. He shuffled his feet a bit and fidgeted with his fingers, twisting them and turning them over each other.

 "Well, honestly, I can't really describe whether the sensation of that particular connection of two bodies was either good or bad. My brain did not have the required amount of time to comphrend the sensation for the amount of time the connection lasted was minimal and I could not process it."

 "...So what you're saying is that you can't tell because it wasn't long enough?" Belle asked.

 "Yeah..." Jeremy replied.

 "Bitch, why didn't you just say that in the first place. You didn't have to go all nerd on us." Kyle said.

 Everyone else laughed and the tension was broken. The game of truth or dare continued on into the night. It contained more lap dances, make-out sessions, gross food dares, shocking truths, and nudity than an R-13 movie.

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