Just say yes!

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It had been a week since we were all at Jeremy's hanging out. Belle and I were setting up my house for my birthday party, I'M FINALLY 18 BITCHES!

"We're back!" Kyle called out. All the boys had gone for a liquor run to stock up the mini fridge we had in my shed.

"Whose coming tonight?" Asked Matt curiously.

"Pretty much everyone in our year level," I cringed. "Should be okay though, everyones going to be outside in the garage playing pool and listening to music or out by the pool.

"So you finally gonna get laid Ana? Josh asked winking.

"What's it to you?"

"Just wondering, you know Jeremy's not taken I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Isn't that right Jer?"

"Isn't what right?" He asked after putting the last drink in the fridge and walked over to us.

"Just say yes," Belle smirked.

"Sometimes," he replied thinking he'd out smarted them.

Dumb ass...

By now I could tell my face was bright red from blushing so hard.

"New subject!" I declared. "Who wants to play pool?" Jeremy, Belle and Max decided to play so went went doubles. Belle and I vs. Jeremy and Max.

"Rules are: You're allowed ONE reshoot ONLY of you completely miss all the balls and DON'T sink the white, you're allowed to distract the shooter as long as you DON'T touch them or the table and if you sink a ball BOTH of your oponants has to take a shot of vodka, if you sink one of there's you have to take a shot, if you hit the white ball off the table thats another shot of vodka and same if you sink the white ball. Okay? Good." I told them. By now people had started showing up so we quickly set up and began playing.

There were only a few balls left on the table Max and Jer were in the lead with only the black ball left meaning me and Belle had, had 7 shots for their balls plus another 5 as we kept sinking the white ball and hitting it of the table -we really suck at pool- we'd also been drinking Woodies (A/N Woodstock bourbon, don't know what it is? go look it up kayy? good^.^) meaning we were SLIGHTLY drunk. Jeremy and Max however had only had 3 shotsand 1 woodie each so they -of coarse- were perfectly fine.

"Hey Jeremy!" Belle called as he was lining up his shot. I hadn't noticed Belle slyly edging her way behind me so before I could stop her and as Jer looked up she quickly pulled down my top, flashing my boobs at him, making him miss his shot.

"My turn!" Sh yelled clearly pleased with herself. She grabbed the pool que while dancing to FSCENE8 by Medic Droid. She lined up her shot and suprisinly enough, sunk the ball she was aiming for. I gave her a high-5 while Max and Jeremy took their shots of vodka. She then went to go take her next shot annnnnd, sadly missd.

"Prepare to lose,' Max said taking his turn and sinking the black ball which was lined up perfectly. Everyone in the garage cheered, by now almost everyone had arrived so Belle and I quickly had our shot of vodka before letting someone else se the pool table.

"Hey you're Anarchy, right?" Some random asked me as I was changing the song.

"Yupp, that's me," I said smiling at him.

"Happy birthday, I'm Adrian."


I went to look for Ana wanting to give her, her birhtday present when I noticed her flirting with some guy I'd never seen before. For some reason i got angry and wanted to make her jealous so I grabbed the first chick I saw -who happened to be some slutty blonde- and started dirty dancing with her. After a minute I noticed Anarchy dirty dancing with the random guy. Getting even angrier I grabbed the blondes face and shoved my tongue down her throat. Breaking away I noticed Ana was no longer in site. I went to look for her and found her in her room crying.

"Ana, what's wrong? That guy didn't hurt you did he?" I asked trying to confort her.

I'm gonna kill him.

"Leave me alone," she said trying to push me away. "Why don't you just go back to your slut?"

Oh my god, was I the reason she was crying?! FUCK!

"Please Ana, tell me what's wrong," I wiped a couple tears of her cheeks.

"Nothing," she said looking away.

"I got you a present," I said pulling a small box out of my pocket. She smiled before opening it, revealing a purple butterly necklace.

"Thank you Jer, I love it." I made her turn around so I could put it on her.

"It's beautiful," she said looking at the necklace.

"Yeah, you are," I said softly. At this her gaze jumped to my face staring at my eyes.

"Wh-what?" She asked, her voice shaking.

"I said, you're beautiful," pulling her into a deep kiss.



sexci time *shitfy eyes* I mean... what?

ANYWAYS I know thats no proper rules for pool but thats how we play at my house so that's the rules I'ma use in the story. So if you have a problem... uhh.... got write a story about it? I don't know.. Don't really care to be honest.

 p.s ohhhh who's Adrian? You don't know? me neither. Is he be important? Don't know? same here. Do you want him to be? let me know kayy?


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