Chapter 25

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I have the plot line for this story all planned out. And I did not use the script for this chapter so I'm sorry if I missed any parts.

It's been a week since Jimmy has been taken away.And I have healed after being kidnapped, I did still have a few bruises though. I'm a witch, we heal fast-Alec isn't fully healed, he has stitches and still has bruises.  A lot has happened though, I confronted Dandy and he said he'll free Jimmy if I gave him the twins in return, it took all my power to not tear his body apart but I left. I been trying to avoid Elsa all week and luckily I've succeeded so far.And Salty had passed away. I wasn't really affected by his death because I was never close to him, either way its really sad. Pepper is a wreck and I heard that Elsa is planning to send her to family. In my opinion, I don't think Elsa should take Pepper to family, because if she had family that truly cared for her then how'd she end up here? I am currently helping Desire prepare lunch. She told me that she is suspicious about Maggie having something to do with the deaths that have been happening because of an argument she had with her last night.

"Wait-So you think she killed everyone that has passed?" I raised my eyebrow.

Desire sucked her teeth, "I don't know, all I'm saying is that we have lost a lot of people ever since that hollywood guy and her came."

I nodded, "Yeah, I had the same vibes with Maggie when she first came. But, she proved me wrong." I smiled, defending Maggie. I do believe she's not who Desire thinks she is, at least I hope not.

Desire shrugged her shoulders as we made spaghetti and baked brownies.

I was humming to the song playing the background as I prepared the sauce.

"You can sing, why haven't you performed?" Des asked.

I shrugged," I was planning on doing it last Friday, but with everything going on-"

"I need to talk to you, both of you?" Maggie said from behind.

"okay, talk." I sighed.

"I need to show you something." She said, I furrowed my eyebrows but followed her anyway.


We have been driving for almost six hours, and Maggie won't talk at all, she hasn't said a single word. Her eyes were glued to the road the whole time.

"Where the hell are you taking us?" I snapped as she pulled up in front of a museum,.

"A museum, really?" Desire scoffed.

Maggie said nothing and got out the car.

We followed after her and a lady that happened to know Maggie, led us to the top floor.

As she started explaining about the museum, my eyes drifted around the whole place. 

This place contained people with deformities that have passed away. How sick!

My eyes came to tears as they fell on a tiny case containing Ma Petite.

"What?" I muttered.

Desire looked like she was about to cry too.Not only was Ma Petite here, so was Salty.

"Maggie?" I looked at her as I cried.

"I didn't kill anyone-"

"But you knew!" I shoved my hands on her chest.

"What was I suppose to say? I'm saying it now. Before its too late."

"What do you mean before its too late?" I asked.

"Stanley is planning to cut off Jimmy's hands."

My heart dropped when she said this. "What?"

She shook her head.

Infatuated (AHSFreak show fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora