Chapter 21

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Important author's note at the end so please read it!


After that dream I didn't get much sleep. It was still night so I decided to head to Jimmy's trailer.

Just as I'm about to knock on Jimmy's door, I pass out.


I couldn't sleep, I was twisting and turning, trying to find a comfortable position. 

I soon heard a thump at my door.

Quickly getting up, I walk towards the door.

When I open the door, I find Lex lying there, passed out.

"Shit!" I muttered as I hurried to pick her up.

Laying her down on my bed, I head for rubbing alcohol.

I apply some rubbing alcohol to tissue and gently hold it up to her nose.

She furrows her eyebrows.

I sigh in relief, she's gaining conscience.

Her eyes slowly open.

"Jimmy?" She croaks.

"Jimmy!" Her eyes widened. Then she starts to cry.

Worry took over me, "Im here, I'm here. What happened?" I ask, holding her close.

"I-its your mom, I saw was dead." She sobbed onto my chest.

I couldn't help but feel scared, Lex is a witch and her dream may mean something.


"Its okay Lex, it was just a night mare." Jimmy reassured.

I shook my head. "No, this was different Jimmy, I-I was on my way over here and then I passed out, thats when I s-saw her, dead." I sobbed even more.

Jimmy looked me in the eye, I could tell that what I was saying was scaring him.

He grabbed my face. "You're shaken up. Get some rest,okay? You'll feel better in the morning."

I nodded. First it was my grandmother's dream, now Ethel? What if this wasn't a sign. What if something really bad is going to happen, and this is just a warning?

Jimmy wrapped is hands around my waist, lifting me on top of him so I could lay down.

His back hits the bad and my head hit his chest. 

I sniffed. It was silence, all I could hear was the beat of his heart quickening overtime.

I smiled and fell asleep.


I woke up, I stretched my arms-trying to reach for Jimmy. But the bed was empty.

I sit up and make my way to his bathroom. I slipped Jimmy's shirt since my gown was a bit too short to go out.

After I ate my breakfast, I walked towards Maggie.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hi. I was wondering, um, do you wanna come with me to pick some flowers out?" I asked.

She nodded, getting up. "What for?" She asked.

"For Ethel." I smiled. I was still shaken up by the dream but I wanted to get her something, to show that I'm grateful to have her in my life. I haven't seen her today, which did worry me.

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