Chapter 5

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We were all sitting in the big tent eating dinner. I was sitting next to Eve and Ma Petite. And Jimmy was across the table.

"So Alexa tell me about yourself." Elsa smiled.

"What would you like to know."

"Where were you born?"

"New York, born and raised." I smiled.

"Oh and what made you wanna start traveling?" Eve asked.

"Well-I was bored and I wanted to explore y'know. I wanted to see new thing and just have fun."

They all nodded.

I stuffed my face with mashed potatoes and fried chicken-everyone was staring at me.

"What?" I gave a nervous smile.

"Nothin' you just seem to enjoy the food." Ethel smiled.

I nodded. "Yea its delicious."


It was so hot in my trailer. I got up and went for a walk.

I heard Jimmy talking about getting to know them and acting like monsters.

I followed his voice-what I saw was horrifying.It was the 'freaks' killing a man.

I gasped.

They all turned around and looked at me.

"Shit!"Jimmy mumbled.

I ran away from the scene as fast as I could.

"Alexa hold up!" Jimmy shouted.

I kept running. And I tripped over a rock and cut my hand on broken glass.

"Fucking great just what I need." I mumbled.

"Are you okay?" Jimmy asked.

"Get away from me." I got up and held my bleeding hand.

"You're bleeding."

"No shit."

"Let me help." Jimmy grabbed my hand but I pulled away.

"Don't touch me!"

"I can explain. just listen to me."

"You killed someone Jimmy! You could go to jail!" I Whispered/yelled.

"I know but I had to, he was gonna take Bette and Dot. He called us freaks."

"Okay." I don't know why but I felt bad for Jimmy , I felt like holding him and never letting go.

"Okay?" Jimmy gave me a confused look.

I nodded. " I'll help you get rid of the body."

Jimmy's eyes widened. "What!? No! I can't let you be apart of this."

"I already am."


"So?" Paul asked.

"So what?" I looked away from the dead body.

"How are we gonna get rid of it?" Dot asked.

"Well-First we need to take of his clothes, then cut off his limbs, including his head." I simply said.

There was a moment of silence. I looked away from the body once again and everybody was looking at me-clearly amused at what I had said.

"What!?Why?" Eve asked.

I rolled my eyes. " Because. We're gonna burn his body. And if we just burn him as one the process would be really long. Burning him by piece would be quicker, although disturbing."

Once again they stared at me.

"What?! I watch a lot of horror movies." I stated.

"Besides you guys should be thankful I'm helping you anyways, I could simply report you to the police." I shrugged.

"Why are you helping us?" Jimmy asked.

"Because I know what its like to be treated like shit.I felt bad-you guys shouldn't be treated like that. Anyway, are you gonna help or shall I do this myself?"

I noticed Bette was scared .

I sighed. "Bette I know whats about to happen will be disturbing and will most likely scar you for life so I think it best for you to go rest."

They nodded and walked back to their tent.


After chopping up the body, Jimmy started the fire. I had to admit I was surprised at how I was calm the whole time , although at first I was scared.


"Okay. So we burnt every piece of this man. Nothing remaining right?"

"Um no actually, His badge is the only thing that remains." Paul pointed out.

I grabbed the badge. " Well thats gonna be hard to burn."

Jimmy took it from my hand. " I'll hold on to this for now. Alexa, thank you for helping us.Im not gonna lie but I'm a bit weirded out by how you knew exactly what to do."

"That makes to of us." I smirked as I walked away.

"Where are you going?" Jimmy asked.

"Shower. I smell like shit!" I smirked.

Jimmy chuckled.

What the fuck did I get myself into.


I know Alexa seems like a different person in this chapter!! But you guys dont really know her yet. I know in the first chapters she seems really different compared to this chapter. But I thought I'd make her character more fun cause I thought her Alexa was boring. So yea. I hope you like it.

~M ;)

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