Chapter 12

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Its been a week since Maggie's arrival. I haven't really talked to her nor Jimmy. I've been focusing more on learning how to use my magic rather than 'them'.

I was walking towards the beaten down ferris wheel-I usually go there when I need time for myself.

I saw Jimmy. "Hey Jims" I smiled.

"Hey. What happened ? We haven't really talked all week."

I smiled. "I know. I've just been busy with curtain things....."

"Oh.... Can I ask you something?!" Jimmy said all of a sudden getting really serious.

"Sure?!" I shrugged.

"What do you think about Maggie?"

My heart fell. "What do yo mean?" I said walking away.

"You know what I mean!" Jimmy chuckled

I stopped walking and turned around. "Well to be truly honest. She's not my favorite person. There's just something off about her, y'know. But if she makes you happy then go for it." I was completely honest..... except for the part when I told him to go for it. It took some balls to say that!

Jimmy nodded. "Why dont you like her?Did she do something wrong?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, its just one of those feelings. All I'm saying is , be careful.Okay?"

Jimmy nodded obviously not caring about what I was saying.

I rolled my eyes and walked away.


I climbed to the top of the ferris wheel.... finally!!

I pulled out a candle from my bag and held it in my hand. I focused on trying to light o fire with my mind.

I focused and focused........nothing.

I scoffed obviously irritated with my failure. And just when I was about to give up, the candle lit up.

I smirked. "About time."

After a while a mastering lighting up the candle, I put everything away and went back down.

"What're you doing up there!" I heard I soothing British accent say.

I looked down and saw Paul looking up.I waved, almost forgetting where I was and fell down.

"ouch!" I growned.

"Are you alright darling?" Paul asked.

I nodded and Paul helped up.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"No problem. What were you doing up there?"

"Y'know.... just looking at the scenery." I lied.

"Sure." Paul raised his eyebrow.

We walked towards the main tent and saw Elsa drive away with the twins in the back seat.

What the hell was that about?

I shrugged it off.

"Oh , Alexa, I forgot to tell you-my nephew came for a visit, he's in the tent." Paul told me.

"Oh okay." I smiled.

I walked in and saw an unfamiliar gorgeous face.

"You must be Paul's nephew." I smiled.

The good looking guy who seemed only a couple years older than me smiled.He had a strong jaw line. Hazel eyes, full lips, brown hair, and was muscular.

Infatuated (AHSFreak show fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now