Chapter 34: Revenge Levels 3-9

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I thankfully wasn't late for History but I am STARVING!

7th Period Tris POV

I walk into science class on time and take a seat in the back.
"Alright class hand in your homework!" The teacher says right when he walks in.
"Um Mr. Johnston I didn't get the homework cause I was gone last class," I say and he rolls his eyes at me. Ouch.
"Well you should have gotten it from someone!" He says.
"But it was a workshee.."
"Don't talk back to me you get a late!" He says handing me a slip of paper that I'll have to get my parents to sign.
Shit I'm mad.

8th Period Four's POV

Last class! I giddily walk through the halls not knowing what to expect. I haven't seen Tris all day and it's getting so irritating.

I walk into art to see her painting with stress written all over her face.
"Hey what's wrong?" I ask her.
She looks up at me with a lighter expression and attempts to smile. Attempts is the key word.

"Well let's see, I was late to my first four classes, I haven't eaten a crumb all day and I got a late slip," she says sassily.
"At least we get the last class period together," I say optimistically.

"Today we're doing partners, Four with Nita, Tris with Al."

Lynn's POV

I felt kinda bad watching them throughout the day. But then again they completely deserved it.
Level 3- stress- complete.

Tris POV

Level 4 Day 10

My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. AGAIN! Whatever I'll just put an alarm on my phone. I reach for it and try to turn it on. It won't turn on. It's dead and I have to leave in five minutes!

Ugh! Fine be that way! I put my hair in a messy bun and put on a DH sweatshirt and skinny jeans. I run downstairs and grab an apple as I walk out the door.

I put the key in the ignition and it doesn't start. No they couldn't have done this to my baby! Not. My. Baby.

I angrily jump out of my car and stomp over to our garage looking for a new car to drive to school. I see a blue Porsche and hop in while spinning out of the driveway.

As I drive I see a sign that says detour so I take it. This is headed in the complete opposite direction as DH so I guess I should find a new route. I take a right, and then a left, then another right and right again.

Maybe I should go left? Or right? How about straight? Actually I should just go back and try to figure it out from there cause I have NO idea where the hell I am.

I drive back to where I thought I was but ended up getting lost. Great! This is just great! My phone is dead, I'm late, and lost! Could this day get any worse!

Four's POV

"THATS 7 MILES EATON!" The substitute gym teacher shouts. He's trying to impersonate Amar and is doing a pretty shitty job. I just missed a basket in basketball. Amar would've made me run 10 miles for that not 7!

Anyways, I haven't seen Tris all day and I'm starting to get worried. Honestly I can't even imagine what they'll do to us, they are mad geniuses and we got in their bad side.

I tried calling her but she never picked up. I'm just so frustrated that they would do this to us. Not that we don't deserve it because we lied to them, but still we've been best friends since we were in diapers.

I'm also frustrated because this time I was late for school and my precious car died alone with my phone. But what really got me pissed was my signature leather jacket got put in the dryer. And you wanna know what? It's ten sizes smaller! My precious phone, my precious Tris, my precious car, and my precious jacket, all taken away from me today!

Divergent High: Fire v IceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ