During their breakfast Jay, Lonnie ,carols, and Hallie had come downstairs. They were all talking when Mal herd someone coming down the stairs. She looked up from her conversation with Lonnie and saw Doug carrying Evie down the stairs. Evie's arms were around his neck and her head was resting on his shoulder."Morning you two" Mal said as they got to the bottom of the stairs "Morning Mal" Doug said putting Evie down "Morning" Evie said sleepily. As she gave Doug a hug and berried her face inhis shoulder Mal heard her say "why did you wake me up" muffled by his shirt and she laughed a little.

After everyone had eaten and talked for a little while Ben walked behind Mal and squeezed her arm. She looked at him and saw a look on hi sface that she took as "I think it's time" and nodded. "we'll be back later" she said to Evie "Okay have fun" she said in reply.Mal and Ben waked hand in hand over to the back of the stairs. Mal let go of his hand as she went through the gap, Ben came in soon after her. She walked over to the door and looked over her shoulder at Ben and he came over to stand behind her. Mal put her right hand on the doorknob and Ben put his on top of hers. The door opened with a big creek. Mal entered the room first and Ben followed closely behind.

 They walked into a tall long rectangular room with bookshelves lining the walls. There was a big glass chandler hanging from the middle of the roof giving off the only light in the room except for the light coming through the doorway. There was dust everywhere. In the center of the room underneath the chandler was a big glass globe that had golden framework with torches on either side. Mal took hold of Ben's hand again, she started to walk towards the globe, Ben followed not letting go of her hand. As she approached the globe the torches lit with green flames. The globe now illuminated by the green fire Mal could see that the continents where cloudy while the rest of the globe was clear. "That wasn't here the last time I was in here"Ben said his attention locked on the globe. Mal didn't say a word she just walked up to the globe and reached out to touch it but Ben grabbed her wrist and said "wait" she looked back at him and he continued "we don't know what will happen if you touch it" Mal looked into his eyes and gave him an understanding look "we won't know if we don't try" she said. He thought for a little bit than said "Maybe I should touch it" Mal shook her head and said "if you get hurt when you touch it Auradon might loose it's king..... but if something happens to me-" Ben cut her off "I might loose you,and I can't loose you" Mal turned so that she was directly in front of him. She reached up, cupped his head in her hand, he leaned into it, grabbed her wrist, and rubbed it with his thumb. She gave him a look that she knew that he wouldn't be able to argue with "Okay,but be careful" Ben said letting go of her wrist. She turned around to face the globe still holding his hand, reached out and touched her hand to its smooth surface. 

As soon as her finger touched it a green fog started to appear inside the globe. The fog glistened with magic and the globe started to spin until it stopped when Auradon was in front of them. Auradon and a small island near it (not the isle of the lost mind you )started to glow bright wight. Mal stepped back so she was behind Ben, holding his hand and grabbing his arm. The brightness grew until it engulfed the whole room.

 Mal was still holding Ben's hand and arm. They were standing a living room with a couch in the center on top of an ornate blue and yellow rug. Sitting on the couch was a much younger Bell. Running around the room was a little boy in a blue suit, he looked about seven, he was chasing a little girl, who also looked about seven, she was wearing a wight tee shirt with yellow overalls. A younger Beast came into the room "Benjamin stop chasing your sister" he said coming to stand behind the couch. Sister? Mal thought it can't be, he said he was an only child. Bell looked up at him and said "Oh it's okay dear, they're just playing" He ignored her and said "A king doesn't chase, he commands!" The little girl came up next to him and pulled his paints. He looked down at her and asked "What is it Cassie" she put her arms above her head and said "can you please pick me up?" The stern look on his face faded at his daughter's request and he picked her up. 

The seen faded and they were standing in a void of wight. Mal looked up at Ben questioningly and said "I thought you said you were and only child" He turned his head and looked her directly in the eyes, bewildered he said "I thought I was" Mal stared at him confused and said "how could you not know you had a sister" Ben was about to answer her when the voice said "Because she was erased from everyone's memories" Mal and Ben both looked around to try and identify who had said that. Mal's eyes started to glow green as she was getting ready to cast a spell at the first sight of the owner of the voice.Ben squeezed her hand and said "who's there" an old man appeared out of nowhere, Mal raised her right hand and took a step forward about to cast a spell when the man said "be calm Maleficent" infuriated Mal spat "That's NOT my name" Ben rested his hand on her shoulder to calm her down, she centered herself and continued "And it never will be" the man dipped his head in respect and said "My apologies, what would you like me to call you" Mal took a step back and grabbed Ben's arm so she could keep herself calm and said "Mal is just fine thank you" the man put his attention on Ben and said "king Benjamin it is an honor to finally meet you" Ben watched him bow questioningly he asked "How do you know my name?" the Man simply answered "your the king" Ben shook his head "no" he said "how do you know my full name. I only tell it to the people closest to me" the man said "I am an old family friend" Ben still wasn't convinced "how come I've never met you" he asked. The man replied "reasons you will soon learn" Mal and Ben exchanged a glance. Mal was about to ask another question when the man continued "the reason I have summoned you here is because your sister is in danger Ben" Mal looked at Ben and saw a look of concern on his face He must have some memory of her, otherwise he wouldn't care as much as I know he does Mal thought. Taking a step forward Ben asked "what do you want us to do"

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