We Watched Our Lives on the Screen

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Jet was the first to move. He put a comforting hand on Ghoul's shoulder.

"Let's go." He said gently, "The sooner we leave, the sooner she can get treated."

Ghoul sniffled a bit, nodding and standing up, holding the girl in his arms. "You're right. We should hurry." His face was hard, brave.

Party shot the lock. He tried the door. It opened easily.

Fresh air whirled around the Killjoys. They breathed in deep and stepped forward, leaving the blood and carnage behind them.

For some reason there was a sense of peace as they strode on silently, heading for the road. They were finally going home. Wherever home was.

A white van pulled up as they neared to road. Agent Cherri Cola stepped out, followed by Show Pony, Candy Surprise, Emerald Breeze, and Missle Kid. Immediately, Missle ran for Party. He caught her and held her close as she laughed.

The Killjoys smiled weakly with relief.

"Party!" Show Pony was the first to speak, "Glad to see you're okay!"

As he put Missle down it was clear that, based on Party's face, he had no idea why a man in a belly shirt, polka dot leggings and roller skates was speaking to him.

"Show Pony," Kobra explained to Party quickly, "One of your friends." He turned to the others, "He's a bit more than out of it right now. Give him a few weeks."

Pony nodded, "Understandable."

"We can talk later," Cherri said, noticing Ghoul and Diamond, "Get her in the van. Emerald, there's a first aid kit and defibrillator under the driver's seat. Get that out for me, please." Emerald nodded and hurried back into the van. Candy followed her.

"Pony," Cherri continued, "you drive. You four," she looked at the Killjoys as Emerald came back out, taking Diamond from Ghoul, who was hesitant to let her go but did, "take the Trans Am to the Diner. Dr. D is worried about you guys."

Jet nodded. "Do you still have the keys?" he looked at Ghoul.

Ghoul felt in his pockets before producing a key. He went to give it to Jet, but Jet shook his head.

"I said you could drive, didn't it?"

A smile broke across Ghoul's face. The white van sped off quickly, kicking up dust as it headed back to where it had come from.

Silent again, the four walked a bit through the settling dust before spotting the Trans Am, parked where they had left it. Ghoul get in the driver's seat, Jet took shotgun. Kobra and Party got in the backseat.

As the car roared to life, Party felt happiness strike him for the first time in a long time.

"Well are you ready, Ray?" he called from the backseat.

"Yeah!" Jet laughed.

"How 'bout you Frank?"

"All night, baby." Ghoul smirked.

"How 'bout you Mikey?"

"Fuckin' ready!" Kobra chimed in.

"Well I think I'm alright!" Party said, smiling wide. "Let's go home."

The Trans Am pulled forward, turning around and following the van towards an early California sunset.

For one night, it seemed, all would be well.

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