If You Stay...

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Jet and Kobra prepared to go out. Kobra made sure he had his knife. He loaded the gun and passed it to Jet.

"It's a miracle no one has come in here yet. Weren't we supposed to be executed?" Kobra smirked.

"It's BLI," Jet said grimly, "Plans change."

"So tell me again why we're staying in here?" Diamond piped up from her chair. She was sitting next to Party Poison, who was still out cold. Fun Ghoul was standing behind her, one hand on her shoulder.

"Well, one, neither of you have weapons. Tow, you two need to come up with some sort of way to carry Party and be able to shoot at the same time." Kobra half-smiled, "Good luck with that."

"You seem oddly happy." Ghoul commented.

"Just preparing for the coming adrenaline rush."

Jet test-fired the run at the wall. It made a large black burn mark, spot-on where he aimed.

"You ready?" he turned to Kobra.

"As I'll ever be."


Diamond watched them leave hesitantly. The doors must have been soundproof, because she didn't hear anything once it shut.

"So how are we going to go about doing this?" Ghoul asked.

"I'm not exactly sure," she stood up, standing in front of Party, "I think I might have a way."

It took some adjusting (and dropping him a few times) but eventually they had a system worked out. Diamond was on Party, left side, Ghoul on his right. One of his rams was around each of their shoulders. They each held on t o him tightly with one hand, leaving the other free.

"What about his feet?" Diamond looked at Ghoul.

"They'll slow us down, but whatever. This is what will work best."

Jet and Kobra burst back in, each one carrying two guns. Diamond noticed Kobra's hands and shirt were specked with blood.

"There weren't many." Jet handed Diamond a gun.

"I'm sure there will be more soon. Come on, let's go!" Kobra gave Ghoul a gun, which he took after wiping the blood off it with his shirt and a grimace.

"Alright, alright!" Ghoul groaned. He glanced at Diamond, "You ready?"

"Sure." She replied. They tightened their grip on Party and followed Kobra and Jet out, walking briskly. Diamond struggled a bit under Party's weight. It wasn't that he was that heavy-he was really quite thin. But he was still a full-grown man, and she was still a nineteen-year-old girl. That, plus her slight limp, was a bad combination, but she kept going.

They passed a few dracs, one of them no doubt killed by Kobra. Blood was running from several points on its body. Diamond shuddered.

When they turned a corner, the dracs were there . Jet and Kobra took down most of them as they moved forward. Ghoul and Diamond both fought, but had to keep an eye on Party, who could wake up at any moment.

Progress down the hall was slow, but still progress.

"We can't possibly wait for the elevator!" Ghoul shouted over the fighting.

"What are our other options!" Kobra screamed.

"Stairs!" Diamond yelled, "At the end of this hallway!"

"That means passing Korse's office! Jet pointed out."

"Oh like he hasn't been told we're out already!" Kobra said, "Keep going! To the stairs!"

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