The Black Parade

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After a few moments she whimpered, "Don't let them get me."

"Let who get you, sweetheart?"

"The shadows." She whispered, scared, "Don't let them get me. They want to take me away. I don't want to go. I want to stay with you, with my family. Don't let them touch me!"

"I'll never let them hurt you, I promise."

"Good," she sighed, content. "They won't touch me, as long as you keep them away."

Kobra, Jet, and Party only stared, afraid to speak.

"The shadows have changed."

"Have they?"

"Yes." She whispered, exhaustion plain in her soft, broken voice, " I see momma. And papa. I suppose he died, too. How sad."

He couldn't say anything. His quiet sobs cut off any hope of speech.

"They're in a parade."

His eyes made contact with hers, shocked. Her soft brown eyes met his green, showing the pain of an adult in the face of a child.

"A parade?"

"Yes," she smiled weakly, her own tears falling now. She looked to the side, pointing. "Don't you see them?"

He didn't. To comfort her, he lied.

"I see them, dear."

"Isn't momma pretty? She always loved dresses."

"She's beautiful, just like you."

"But I don't want to go. Maybe someday, but not today. Please don't let them take me."

"I won't. Just sleep, darling. Everything will be okay."



"I love you."

Her eyes shut. Her labored breathing slowed, became peaceful.

"I love you, too."

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