Kill All Your Friends

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Party poison adjusted his posture, raising his arm and taking aim with the pristine white gun at Ghoul's head. When he spoke, it was to the whole group.

"You have all been accused and proven guilty of slander and violence against Better Living Industries. As punishment, and to set an example, you are to be killed immediately."

"What!" Diamond yelled, struggling against the binding on her wrist.

Kobra spoke up, his voice shaken and angry, "What the fuck happened to waiting for Dr. D to get here?"

Party's cold, angry expression never moved. "Change in plans. As long as he thinks you're here, he'll come."

"You can't know for sure," Ghoul's voice was quiet.

"I think we'll take our chances." Party smirked a bit and gripped the gun harder, "And last words, Fun Ghoul?"

Ghoul swallowed hard and looked over at Diamond. She looked back at him, panic and fear in her eyes. He had to try and stop this. He had to reach Party, had to at least try before Party pulled the trigger.

"You don't want to do this, Party." He said, almost desperately.

"Oh, don't I?"

"No," Ghoul shook his head, "Not the Party I know."

"And which Party would that be?" Party's smirk was growing amused.

"The one who wasn't messed up because of some twisted pills. The one whose memory wasn't sucked out of his brain with needles and serums. The one I would stay up all night and write songs with over a few beers and a pack of cigarettes. The one I had a band with. The one who was my best friend." Ghoul was desperate, scrambling for words.

Party considered the words. Ghoul could see in his hazel eyes that his mind was racing, trying to make sense of it all.

His smirk returned. Ghoul's heart sank. "That might be the cheesiest thing I've ever heard."

He pulled the trigger. But his hand slipped.

Kobra had jumped up in a second, throwing all his strength and momentum into his brother, knocking him back with his shoulder like a football player. He had managed to get his hands free. But how-

Jet looked down and saw the knife behind Kobra's chair, still shaking after being dropped on the col linoleum.

Party hit the ground on his back. He gave a loud cry as the air was knocked out of him. The gun clattered to the floor a few feet away from him. He looked up at Kobra, who was still standing, as he coughed and gasped for air.

Ghoul looked at Kobra's back, still staring. The left side of his hair was still smoking from the shot passing through it, but other than that he was fine. He could smell the burnt ends of his hair and his nose wrinkled. "K-Kobra-"

"The fuckers started carrying knives; I figured I might as well. They didn't search me for any weapons beside my gun. These are my old pants. The knife was still in them."

"Wow," Jet breathed, "I knew you were fast but…damn Kobra…"

Kobra just glared down at the thing with his brother's face. This wasn't Party, couldn't be Party until he was off the BLI drugs. Now he was just another lackey for Korse. So it didn't make Kobra feel guilty for kicking him in his side as he coughed. Party gave a cry and doubled over.

"G-God damn it you're f-fast-"

"Shut up." Kobra kicked him again and Party gave another yell.

Diamond saw Kobra absentmindedly rubbing his wrists. She saw the smallest bit of blood on his fingers.

"Kobra…" she began softly. He turned to look at her, saw what she was staring at.

"Oh. These. I nicked myself a few times. No big deal." His voice was distant, his mind somewhere else.

"Yes well that's all fine and dandy but, as you can see, we are all still in these damn chairs. And what are we gonna do about him?" Ghoul nodded at Party, who was now breathing deeply and glaring at Kobra, though his eyes darted to the gun laying a few feet away.

Kobra saw what he was thinking easily and strode over, picking up the gun, unloading it to be safe and placing the ammo in his pocket. He set the gun down on his empty chair and bent down to pick up the knife. He then went around and cut his friends loose. Once they were free, they stood up and stretched.

Party just sat there, glaring at them. How had he lost the upper hand so quickly?

Kobra and Jet were standing in front of Party. Diamond immediately went to Ghoul.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

She couldn't help herself. She laughed out loud. Half his head looked as though a two-year-old had cut it.

"What's so funny?"

"Your hair!" she snorted through giggles.

Ghoul raised a worried hand. "Crap! I'm gonna have to cut it!"

"You might as well just shave it all off." Jet looked back, smirking.

"No. Don't shave it." Diamond shook her head, "Cut it short, but no shaving."

"Hey, you're a girl, so I'm gonna trust you on this."

"Thanks. And great observational skills."

"So what are we gonna do about him?" Ghoul nodded at Party, making his way to stand next to Kobra. Diamond followed him.

"I dunno." Kobra shrugged, "Take him with us when we leave I guess."

"Kicking and screaming, no doubt." Jet muttered.

"Well," Diamond sighed, "First we need to get out of here."

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