You Can Run Away With Me, Anytime You Want

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Fighting at the base proceeded like it had before. There were more dracs at that one, so fighting stretched out to half an hour of battle. The fighting moved inside the large white main room when they walked in and were ambushed by another large wave of dracs, obviously waiting for them.

By the time silence fell inside the base, the Killjoys already had numerous injuries to care for. Kobra had the most, mostly due to his love of hand-to-hand combat.

"Fucker got me with a knife," he muttered as he bandaged a deep wound in his arm. "When the hell did they start carrying around knives?" he said, mostly to himself.

"You need to watch yourself when you're fighting like that." Diamond said, treating a ray gun burn on Ghoul's knee.

"Diamond's right." Ghoul winced as the healing medication was rubbed into his knee, "You can't be so reckless."

"I know." Kobra said, nodding sheepishly, "It's just...when I'm fighting like that...I just sort of lose myself, you know?"

"Yeah." Jet agreed, treating a burn on his arm, "I know."

"It's like you can't see, you can't think. All you care about is making sure that you survive, and they don't." Ghoul spoke as if he were in a daze. Diamond felt a shudder of fear creep down her spine. She didn't want to think about things like that. She didn't want to think about Ghoul being just another heartless killer.

"You're scaring her." Jet said softly to Ghoul. Ghoul looked at the girl, now bandaging his knee, and sighed. "You know I'm not like that, Diamond."

"It sure sounded like it…" The girl taped the bandage and stood up. "Regardless, we need to go. Search for evidence of Party being here." The others nodded.

They traveled down the long winding hallways, eventually coming to two doors.

"Here's where we split up." Jet said, "Diamond and Ghoul, stick together. You take the door on the right. Kobra and I will take this one." He nodded towards the door on the left, "If you have any problems, use your transmitter. We'll try and re-group as soon as possible."

"Where did you even get these?" Diamond asked.

"The last base." Jet shrugged.

"Okay then." Ghoul nodded. Diamond simply placed the tiny transmitter in her pocket. She nodded.

"Alright." Jet looked at Kobra, who smiled a little in anticipation, "Let's go exploring."


The bright hallways continued making her feel paranoid, always wary of the idea of someone jumping behind her and scaring her. She kept her gun clenched tightly in her hand.

"Relax, Diamond." Ghoul coaxed, making Diamond jump, "You're going to blow the brains out of the first person you see."

"That's the plan." She smirked darkly.

"Diamond, now you're scaring me."

"Again, part of the plan."

"I don't remember Jet going over the part of the plan where you scare the pants off me."

"You must have dozed off."

A bit of silence. They walked slowly. The hallway seemed to get darker as they went on.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked, curious. He stared at her, smiling a bit.

"You wouldn't be very interested."

"Try me."

"Just…" he sighed, his smile fading, "What it must be like to be you. Being so young, in this fucked up world. On the run with the Fabulous Killjoys." He smiled wide at that. So did she.

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