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The man's face was composed, emotionless. He sat upright in the chair, his posture perfect. His hands lightly rested on his knees. He wore a grey jumpsuit. Without his dark hair falling in his face anymore, he could clearly see the man in front of him, holding a small stack of posters in his hand.

Now came the hardest part of training. After rushing from the Zone 5 base to the Zone 7 base to get away from those nosy Killjoys, he had finally woken up. The medication seemed to do the trick, he had little idea of who or where he was. The man with the posters frowned a bit. Would he recognize his once-friends? Would all the work of the past day be un-done? Training had all gone so well…he had to give credit to his scientists. They had truly done the impossible…maybe. The last test would prove if they had succeeded.

He held up the first poster. A man with dark hair smirked through his bangs at the camera. A red "X" through the picture, the word "Exterminate" beneath it.

"Who is this?" the man holding the poster asked.

"Fun Ghoul." The man in the chair replied with ease, his expression never moving for a second.

"And this?" the next poster was held up.

"Jet Star."


"Diamond Dahlia."

The final test. This would either make or break him.

"And who is this?"

He thought he saw the man's face falter a bit, show true emotion, but then the unfeeling mask was back on as he coldly answered, "Kobra Kid."

"And they are?"

"Killjoys. They threaten the balance of peace. The must be destroyed."

The man smiled, his face contorting into an unnatural twisted grin.


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