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It took about an hour to reach the safe house. In that time they ate a bit, checked in with Dr. D to make sure everything was okay and to confirm that they were alive, and made contact with the nearest safe-house to make sure they weren't attacked when they arrived.

By the time they parked the car in front of the old house, the sun was setting over the desert.

The dusty car pulled in front of the building and parked. The Killjoys got out. As they were unloading their bags, a voice came from the doorway.

"You guys need any help?"

Diamond turned to see two girls around her age walking out of the house.

"Hey." the older one with bright green hair smiled at her. "I'm Emerald Breeze."

"And I'm Candy Surprise!" the younger one piped up. Her bright pink hair matched her personality.

"Diamond Dahlia." she introduced herself, "And I'm sure you know who these guys are." she guestured to the boys, who were currently bickering over who took Ghoul's last cigarette.

"Yeah. We know. It's really rare we ever have visitors, let alone the Fabulous Killjoys themselves."

"It gets boring here." Candy sighed. "How long do you plan on staying?"

"Just one night. We're on a pretty big job for Dr. D."

"Does it have to do with Party Poison?" Emerald asked as the three girls began walking to the house, leaving the boys to argue.

"Yes." Diamond nodded. "We believe Korse has him. We don't know exactly why. Probably to torture information out of him or something."

"Why can't we go on big missions?" Candy pouted.

"Because, we're too young to go at anything too big alone. I'm actually surprised you got to come along with those guys. Dr. D is pretty strict when it comes to keeping young Killjoys like us safe." Emerald said, "But once this one hits eighteen we can take on some bigger jobs." she smiled at Candy, who grinned.

By the time the boys stormed in fifteen minutes later, the girls were seated at a table in the corner, talking and laughing.

"So you're saying you took it?" Ghoul pointed an accusing finger at Kobra.

"What I'm saying is maybe you should keep track of your things!" Kobra retorted.

"So you did! I should just-" Ghoul was cut off mid-scentence.

"Oh can it you two."

"Shut up, Jet!" That came from both of them.

"Hey!" Diamond snapped, "Quit it!"

That seemed to get them to shut up, even though the irritation was still evident in their eyes.

"So," Jet walked briskly to the table and sat down, leaving Ghoul and Kobra to silently fume in the doorway. He held his hand out to Emerald. "Nice to meet you..."

"Emerald Breeze." she took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, too."

"Where will we be sleeping tonight?"

Emerald leaned back in her chair and pointed down a hallway across the room. "There are two rooms on either side. The one on the far right is where Candy and I sleep. You guys can duke it out over who gets to share. At the end of the hall is a bathroom. You can take a shower if you'd like."

"Are you serious!" Fun Ghoul cried out in excitement, "I haven't had a good long shower in weeks!"

"That would explain why you smell like a pig stye next-door to a cigarette factory."

"Kobra, shut it."

Candy laughed, seemingly amused at everything. "You guys fight like siblings."

"Sometimes it feels like we are siblings," said Jet, smiling a little. "We're one big family, all us Killjoys. "

"Yeah..." Emerald returned the smile, "I like the sound of that."

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