A little bit about me

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Oh my goodness! So I was looking at how many read this story had and it blew my mind! 81k?! That's fucking crazy! And over 100k on 'My Little Girl'

Never did I ever think that my stories would get as much recognition as they have and I just can't put into words how incredibly thankful I am for that.

You guys have made me smile more than I have in awhile and I'm glad I can write and share my ideas with you guys and get feedback!:)

You guys make me better as a writer and encourage me to keep at it. I know I've lacked a bit but you guys have been incredibly patient with me and I just wanted to thank you very much.

I know many people will skip this and that's ok.. Besides they read my story for Daryl not to know what colors and people I like.

I'm totally ok with that but I though maybe some people would like to know the boring awkward person behind the screen.

So here we go. Let's start off with a selfie and yes that is me. I don't think any of you know what I look like. And now I'm going to apologize for breaking y'alls phone.

Anyways here's some not so interesting facts about myself.

1.) Norman is my absolute favorite human being alive.

2.) I have yet to figure out how everyone on TWD is hot. Like why does no one look like that where I'm from.

3.) I'm from Oklahoma.

4.) I've met Norman and I'm hoping to meet him again this October! Hopefully others from the show too!

5.) I grew up a Tomboy!¡

6.) I relate really closely to Daryl's Character. Like very close. I'm very awkward and can't express emotions worth a crap. That's probably why I'm single.

7.) I absolutely love writing!¡ I hope to have a career out of it.

8.) I rather be a director than an actor.

9.) James Gunn is my favorite Director! He's brilliant.

10.) My favorite Norman movie would probably be Red Canyon or Hello Herman

11.) I prefer hoodies and sweats over any other clothing.

12.) I'm in love with an asshole who's treated me like shit and I don't know why.

13.) my favorite color is blue!

14.) I like to draw! And watch drawing videos on YouTube.

15.) if I'm not writing I'm drawing. If I'm not drawing I'm watching vids on YouTube. If not that I'm eating or sleeping.

16.) I was raised just by my mom so when I write this story I write scenes how I wished I could've been through/ had. ((The good father daughter moments of course))

Ok that's some personal facts about me and I feel like that's really all I am😂

If you actually read all this please let me know! I'll love you forever.

Oh and I'm starting to follow people I see a lot in my timeline. And also if anyone has a reading list w/ a bunch of Norman/Daryl stories that are good lemme know. I'm looking for some good fics.

Ok I love you guys so much

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