LATHB : Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

“No, I don’t. But I’m guessing around half an hour – at most. Are able to wait that long for him?”

Half an hour? I internally groaned. I can’t possibly wait that long for him, okay I would, but not when he’s here.

“I—“ I paused for a moment and thought, carefully.

If I were to go back and tell Cynthia that I wasn’t somehow able to get her camera, I know for a fact that she will call up George and ask him why I wasn’t able to get it, then he’ll tell her that he wasn’t in the store because of something but there was someone else there who was able to give it to me, and then she’ll go berserk and do all sorts of things to me, or she might shrug it off tonight, but kill me the next day.

So should I risk going through all that because I simply didn’t want to ‘wait’ with a certain someone?

No, I shouldn’t. Because then, that’ll be just plain selfish of me.

“No, I can wait,” I finally told him after a long moment.

His back was still to me as he was opening little boxes which I presume had paper of some sort in them and packing them away into a white box.

“Are you sure that you are able to wait?” He sounded doubtful.

“Yeah,” I mockingly chirped. “Why wouldn’t I be able to wait?” 

“You said that you were in a hurry,” He emphasized.

Yeah, in a hurry to get away from you! “I am, but thirty minutes won’t hurt.” That’s if you’re between a million to a billion metres away from me, I wanted to also add in, but I didn’t of course as I wanted to keep the constant atmosphere the way it was going right now and have it not changed at all. Because if I was to change the atmosphere in some way; I will have to be in that atmosphere for thirty minutes. And I didn’t want that.

Man, I’m being such a safe-nut tonight aren’t I?

“Right, well, now that you’ll be waiting, would mind not standing behind me?”

“I’m not behind you though,” I retorted snappingly.

Crap, what happened with me and keeping the atmosphere constant?

Duh, you threw it out of the window.

Duh, shut up, I told my mind, finally feeling fed up with it.

He rotated around and he was now facing me, looking at me with a bored expression.

Gosh, it wouldn’t hurt for him to smile once in a while. Heck, does he even own a smile in his box of facial expressions?

God, why must my mind be such a bugger-butt and annoy the heck out of me all the freaking time?

Hey I’m just expressing what you’re feeling right now, so don’t get snappy at me Missy. I have feelings too if you didn’t realize. Gosh…and you’re the bugger butt, not me!

That’s it.

What –

Before my mind could’ve said anything else, I permanently mute it off (just for the rest of tonight) and paid all attention to Zane and what he’s about to say.

Except he didn’t say anything though. He just stood there, arms crossed with that famous bored expression on his face while looking straight at me.

“Yes? Is there something you needed to say?” I asked, keeping my voice sounding from anything but sarcastic which was very hard to do. Because I was so used to having to say things in a sarcastic manner all the time; it was like my second language. But in order for the atmosphere to stay the way it is, I needed to tame the beast – my sarcasm.

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