Jacob Frye

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When I woke up, I was tangled in my sheets. I wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn't waste time, I needed to look around London for the day. I got out of bed and noticed that there was a note on my leather coat. I picked it up and read it.

Dearest, Evie decided to show me around London. You looked exhausted therefore I didn't wake you. Evie would appreciate if you take a look at the information of the piece of Eden.

"What a liar, he only wants to be with Evie alone.." I said to myself rolling my eyes and throwing the note behind me. I wore my assassins outfit without the leather trench coat. I stepped out the cart and went into another cart, where the Frye twins usually stay and do their work. I headed towards the table and started reading the papers. What am I doing? I thought I was done with this. Oh well, Evie needs help.
As my concentration was fully on my work, I didn't hear a thump on top of the train, or the shuffling behind me. "Don't move." A man's husky voice was said behind me, and pointed something hard on the back of my head.

Jacob's POV;

As I was entering the cart, I saw a woman at the desk reading papers while standing up. At first I thought it was Evie, but when I got closer...it wasn't. Could it be an intruder? I quickly took out my pistol and pointed it at the back of her head. "Don't move." I said in all seriousness. The woman sighed. "You must be the other Frye twin, am I accurate? I was wondering where you were yesterday. Henry said twins, not a single Frye." She said turning around. I felt a pang in my heart. She was stunning. Plump cherry lips, brown eyes, brown long hair that reached her back that was wavy at the bottom and slightly straight at the top. Her left cheek had a faint scar of a slice, I wonder how that happened. "Excuse me? Do I know you?" I said still pointing the gun, but now it was in her face. "Anastasia Cobain. Surely mr Green announced my arrival and Sam's...my cousin." She stuck her hand for me to shake. "Ah! Miss Cobain, my pleasure. Jacob Frye." I lowered my gun and shook her hand. "Do you have a clue where my beloved sister would be?" I asked removing my top hat. "With Sam. Taking a tour around London." She rolled her eyes. "Greenie requested that I take you around London, and tomorrow we get started." I threw myself on the couch and crossed my legs. "Alright then. Let me get my full attire." She said plainly.


"So you and your cousin fight a lot?" Jacob asked Anastasia as they were walking around the poorer side of London, where most of the action happens. "Yes, I can tell you and Evie do fight as well." Anastasia mentioned and Jacob laughed. My heart panged when Jacob laughed, he surely is a handsome man. "May I ask? How did you end up with your cousin I wonder?" Jacob asked politely. "You may. When my mother birthed me, she died after. Leaving me and my father. He died when I was the age of 9. When he died, my uncle came and took me to America, trained me to be an assassin. Then I was stuck with Sam, still am." I laughed to lighten the mood. Jacob gave her a sad look. "Im sorry... I never met my mother too. Same death story." He said. I rubbed his back to make him feel better and tried to lighten the mood. "Come on, they are probably in heaven, if there is such a thing." I said looking up at Jacob. Jacob was fairly taller than I am, and has a much broader body than mine. He looked down at me and smiled. "What's that scar on your cheek?" He placed his finger on my scar, and I blushed. "Urm...just a scar.." I removed his hand gently. "Where do you want to go miss Cobain?" He asked. "Please. It's Anastasia. Can we go to a pub?" I looked at him innocently. "Then its Jacob to you. In the afternoon? Who goes to a pub in the afternoon?" As Jacob asked with curiosity, they heard a few children cry and a man shouting. Jacob wrapped his arm around my waist, my face felt hot. "What are you doing!?" I said trying to move away his grip but it only got tighter. "Hold on." He said with full seriousness and lifted his arm up, suddenly we're off ground and up on a building. It was a blade launcher. "Not fair, I want one of those!" I pointed at his arm. He looked at me and smirked. His arm let go of my waist and we quickly jump to the other building's roof top to take a closed look. It was a templar hitting 1 of the kids while the other 2 were crying. The kids were working in a factory, their clothes was filthy while they were as skinny as a twig. My body filled with rage, I didn't think clearly, I pulled down my hood and jump from on the man. Jacob followed behind me. "Don't look little children, run off." Jacob demanded. "How dare you!" I picked him up by his collar, with my other hand I pulled out my samurai sword and pushed it into his abdomen, once he was dead I let him go on the floor. "Where did you get that!?" Jacob said very interested in my sword. "This? From Japan." I smiled and put back my sword. "You went to Japan?" He asked curiously. "Yes. In fact I've been to many places Jacob Frye." I said playfully. "Well go on, tell me! Where did you go?" Jacob seemed to be more interested in my past life. "Well...there was Japan...India, where I met Henry. Oh also Italy, France, Africa...and now here." I said with a bright smile. "Lucky devil you." He said rather jealous, I laughed at his expression.

Jacob and I spent the rest of the day together. It was actually nice to be with him, he was funny even though he could be witty and impulsive, it was okay with me because I could be that too, while that reminder always came from my dear old Sam. "Thank you Jacob. I had fun, I haven't had fun for awhile. A long time really." I said embarrassed. "My pleasure...do you not get to have fun with Sam?" He asked leaning back on the bench. "Well, Sam is like Evie. Always too serious. All those traveling times, I had to be serious with him too. Sometimes it got lonely." As I was talking Jacob's hand landed next to mine, I blushed and looked at him. He was smiling but not making eye contact with me. Did he mean to do that? Or is it just me...

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