Please ... help me?!

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So ... I have an idea for the ending but I'm not sure how many more chapter you guys want?! I would probably say 15 at the most. Ok I don't like to do this but I don't want this story to 'drag on' in your eyes so tell me what you think?

15 chapters- This will include the 4 days they have left in America so the Vidcon day and 3 free days. It will include the flights home and how they tell that they are a 'thing' to all their fans. It will include silly little things like baking and play fights then it will have about 3 fluffy chapters and will explain everything basically. It will also take longer for the end to happen.

10 chapters- This will include 3 days in America and will cut off one of the days. The flight will be the same as if we were going to have 15 chapters only less detail. They will tell the fans before they go home so they don't have to worry about that, there will be a few more fluffy chapters and things and will only include about 2 silly things like baking, play fights e.g

5 chapters- It will only include the actual Vidcon day and it will cut off the other days in America. It will basically say 1 or 2 things about the flight, that's it. Like if we were having 10 chapters they will tell their fans before they leave. It will have about 2 fluffy chapters and hardly any silly things, maybe one play fight.


Bare in mind if you choose 15 chapters their may or may not be a sequel and if their is one it wont be as long, I'm not sure what you guys want though, if you want more or less? I DONT KNOW ANYMORE D: So comment or message me how many more chapters you want and then I'll basically write how many you want and before you all give me lectures on how its my work and I should write it myself...

I'm doing this for you! So you have as much to read as you WANT to read ok? So comment on what you think or message me and stuff..

Ok that is all you may return to what you do in your life whether its reading phanfiction or going out and getting a job run , run and be free....


What If Phan Is Real? (A Phanfiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now