Chapter Twenty-Five: Missing

Start from the beginning

“Get off of me, Chris,” Aiden growled, the fur retracting from the sides of his face and his eyes fading back to their normal brown. I relaxed, rolling off of Aiden and getting to my feet when I realized Ethan was gone and Derek was quickly approaching Aiden, ready to pummel him into the ground.

“Derek, no, stop! Aiden saved me. He stopped Ethan until you came, I swear. Just let him go,” I said urgently, putting both hands on Derek’s chest and pushing against him. I felt Aiden’s strong chest pressed against my back, and I realized I’d somehow ended up directly in between the two of them. Aiden snarled from behind me, and I frantically tried to calm Derek down.

“Derek, I’m fine, okay? I’m fine. Just walk away.” I reached my hands up to cradle Derek’s face, running my fingers along the sprouts of hair on his jawline and staring into his bright red eyes with steady resolve. I leaned up and pressed my lips against his tenderly, kissing Derek passionately until his hands clamped down on my waist and the fight melted out of him. I wrapped my arms around Derek’s neck, hugging him tightly as he buried his face into my neck and planted little kisses there while mumbling things like “I’m so glad you’re safe” and “Don’t ever do that again”. Opening my eyes, I met Aiden’s relieved brown eyes and tilted my head slightly in the direction of the school, mouthing “Get out of here.” He nodded, mouthing “Thank you” as he slowly backed away and then turned to run into the parking lot.

            Two hours later, Derek and I were fighting again. This time he was the one yelling at me, ranting about how dangerous it had been for me to take on the twins by myself and how I could’ve gotten seriously hurt.

“Derek, I’m sorry-“I begged, beseeching him with clasped hands from where I sat at the kitchen table. Derek was pacing angrily in the middle of the room, stopping every so often to point his finger at me accusatorily or growl and clamp his hands down on one of the helpless chairs.  

“You’re sorry?! Chris, sorry isn’t good enough! You almost got hurt again because you went off by yourself! Do you even know what would’ve happened if I hadn’t gotten there when I did?”

“No, I mean, I don’t-“

“They would’ve beaten you senseless! Or worse, bitten you. They’re Alphas, Chris, they can’t be trusted!”

“But Aiden-“

I don’t give a fuck about Aiden! I have no idea why you trust the guy so much but you should know – if it came down to following the pack or protecting you, he wouldn’t hesitate for a second!”

“You don’t know him-“

“Like you do? You just met him, for God’s sake!”

“I know, but-“

“No, no buts. From now on, you’re not to go anywhere by yourself, you understand me? Isaac and Monica will stay with you at school, and you’ll return home the minute school’s over. No hanging out, no nothing. And when you’re at home, you are not to leave this apartment unless I’m with you. Got it?” Derek commanded in a significantly quieter voice, his decision apparently being made as he spoke. With every word out of his mouth, I got more and more outraged; how dare he tell me what I can and can’t do?

“Okay, listen, Derek. I know that you’re upset because I almost got hurt today but that doesn’t give you the right to boss me around! You do not own me, and you can’t tell me what to do all the time! I get that you’re trying to protect me, but-“

“I’m not trying to boss you around; I just want to keep you safe! Chris, the Alphas used you against me once and I’m not gonna give them the chance to do it again.”

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