Chapter 10

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Zayn's POV

We've been at the beach for awhile and so far I've been building a sand castle with Papa that looks awesome, it's really cool and has a moat and everything, it's almost as tall as me but then again I'm not very tall.

"Hey Zee wanna go in the water for a bit?"

I looked over to see the big waves and got a bit nervous.

"What if I fall over?"

"I promise I will hold your hand."


I grabbed Papa's hand and we were making our way to the water when Niall, Harry, and Eric stopped us.

Niall's POV

Me, Harry, and Eric decided to go to the arcade that was next to the snack bar so me and Harry had to get money from Papa. We walked over to see him about to go in the water with Zayn.

"Hey Papa can me and Harry have some money to go to the arcade with Eric?"

"I'm about to take Zayn in the water, why don't you go ask dad."

I nodded and went to Dad who gave us about twenty dollars and then we walked away.

"Doesn't that get annoying?" Eric asked.

"Does what get annoying?"

"All of your needs put to the side because Zayn is here now!"

"Tell me about it," Harry answered.

"You guys should teach Liam and Louis that he isn't as perfect as he is made out to be, make them realize that you guys are better than him and are still important."

I stayed quiet as Harry and Eric continued talking about their plan, I mean everything has changed now that Zayn is here, and it's different because Zayn isn't even my real brother Harry is, and I grew up my whole life with Dad and Papa so they basically are my real parents, I just met Zayn.

"Niall are you in?" Haz asked.

"Hell yea! They can send Zayn back to that dump where he belongs."

Harry and Eric smirked as we walked into the arcade and started playing games.

Zayn's POV

I held Papa's hand as we walked into the water where Dad and Ed were, the water was cold and almost up to my chest but barely past Dad and Papa's waist.

"Hey bubba, you having fun?" Dad asked.

I nodded and smiled and then a huge wave came in making me squeal and jump into Papa's arms, the water hit me and it was freezing but I still laughed because it was very entertaining.

"Papa! Let's go deeper!"

"Okay let's go Zee, but remember you have to stay in my arms because the water will be over your head!"

I nodded and Papa walked so that the water was up to his chest, the waves came in and Papa would sometimes swim under them or he would let them crash right into us. I was a laughing mess by the time Dad joined us and my hair was all over the place and my eyes were red from salt water.

"Daddy look at that wave!"

I shrieked again as it came up and crashed right into us making me erupt into a fit of giggles.

"Ok giggly boy lets go join everyone for a late lunch at the snack bar!"

Papa carried me out of the water and then grabbed me a towel and I wrapped it around my body and we made our way to the snack bar. I sat down and waited with Eric, Niall, and Harry as the adults got all of our food. Everyone came back but I noticed that Ed was not here.

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