Chapter 7

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( Darren's P.O.V.) 

I ran downstairs but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Annie. 

I couldn't believe what was happening. Who would kill my family like that? 


What would kill my family like that?  

I could barely move. 

It took a few minutes, but I managed to look away from her body as I grabbed the phone from a small table. 

I dialed 9-1-1 and waited as I could feel tears creeping up. 

" 9-1-1, what's your emergency?" A man with a German accent said in an enthusiastic voice. 

" M-My." I started, tears starting to come to my eyes. " Someone came into my house and attacked my family. Me and my sister survived, but my parents and my little sister didn't. The attacker's long gone. My address is 1270 Ridge Lane, Beckmen County, 28723." 

" We will send help right away. Sorry for your loss."  

" Thank you." 

Before the 9-1-1 operator could speak again, I heard a car door shut from outside the house. 

" Someone's outside." I whispered into the phone as a tear from my left eye rolled down my face. 

" The police are close by, do you have somewhere close to hide?" 

I crept back up the stairs and silently dragged Emma's unconscious body into my bedroom and shut the door, then locking it. 

" I'm in my room with my sister. She's unconscious." 

" Was she always unconscious?" 

I froze. 

" I can't lie to this man, but I can't tell him what really happened, Emma would be put in danger." 

" Hello? Are you still there?" 

" What should I do?" 

" Put your hands up!" I heard a women yell from outside from my cracked bedroom window. 

" Thank you for your service, good night." 

Before he could speak, I hung up. 

I looked at Emma. 

She had saved me once again. 

" Jesus!" A male cop yelled from downstairs.  

He had found Annie. 

The Cirque Du Freak Diaries: Book OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant