Chapter 6

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The man was instantly engulfed in flames.  

His screams and the smell of burnt skin filled the cold. damp air. 

Tears ran down my face and I ran the rest of the way to my house. 

The smell of blood filled the air as I ran up the driveway and darted up the stairs to find the door cracked open. 

I made another ice sickle in my right hand and opened the door. 

The smell of blood was getting stronger. 

The door slowly creaked open and I dropped to my knee's at the site of my little sister's blood-covered body, laying a few feet in front of me. 

" A-Annie?" I asked. 

I couldn't hear her breathing or her pulse. 

However, a faint one instantly got my attention. 

It was upstairs. 

I got up and darted up the stairs. 

I would grieve later, right now I was more interested in saving Darren. 

I found him laying in the middle of the hallway, blood covered like Annie. 

A chuck of his left shoulder was ripped out. 

I put pressure on his wound and a yellow light started glowing and his eyes opened slightly a couple of my tears dropped on his face and ran down the left side of his face. 

" Emma..." He started. 

" Don't waste your energy talking. I'm here, you're going to be OK." 

The color of Darren's skin slowly came back as his pulse got stronger. 

I could smell that man's blood inside of him, but as time passed the smell slowly vanished. 

Suddenly I fell over on my right side, but Darren's injury was still glowing. 

I could fell my energy deteriorating as I sensed Darren getting stronger. 

I passed out, hoping I fixed him enough that he wouldn't bleed out again. 

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