"Leave the job Rose. I will find you another one." He said looking at her expectantly.

Her anger started raising but she controlled it by clutching her dress tightly.

"What are you saying Brian?" She asked him softly, trying her level best not to explode.

"Leave the job. You can't be near him." He said and ran his fingers in his hair. He looked mad. Like he was loosing control of himself. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and opened his eyes.
This time, speaking with a calm voice.

"Rose, he's not come back with a good intention. He's bad inside and he will break you again. He will break you Rose." He said, trying his best to persuade her to quit.

Her heart clenched and hurt at what he said. This is what she feared the most, him breaking her again. Her breathing grew more ragged and she gulped down as she diverted her eyes elsewhere.

"There is nothing left to break, Brian." She said softly and brought her eyes back on him

"I won't leave the job. I can't depend on you again." She said in a firm voice.

"I will find you---"

"No Brian. Please understand." She pleaded him.

"So you want to work as his personal assistant?" He asked with an accusing tone, emphasising the last two words.

She shut her eyes and sighed. Not again God, please.

"Stop it Brian." She said and shook her head with her eyes closed and eyebrows scrunched with irritation.

"No. I don't want you to work so closely with him."

"And who the hell are you to tell me what to do and what not to." She said, as her anger started raising.

"Don't you know that I like you Rose.? I. . .I love you. I can't get you out of my fucking head. I can't concentrate on anything knowing that your with him all the fucking time. Why don't you understand me??" He said, as his voice level increased.

"You know what?" He asked as he leaned towards the table.
He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

" It's like I want him fucking dead so that he gets away from our lives once and for all."

As soon as these words left his mouth, Rose froze. She couldn't get a single word out of her mouth. She would hear and take any insult, pain or torture inflicted upon her, But she would not let that happen to Alexander. She cared for him deeply and the mere thought of him not being there in front of her again was like a million stabs on her heart.

"Don't say a word about him." She seethed out with anger, frustration and gritted her teeth furiously.

Brian was taken aback and a sly smirk appeared on his lips.

"Wow" he said and sank back into the couch as he looked at her.

"So. . .you like him. Are you falling for him again?"

She did not reply to this and shut her eyes tightly with burning anger and frustration.

"You want him, don't you?" He asked once again looking at her.

"Listen to me carefully Rose." He said with determination.

Rose silently opened her eyes and looked at him.

"I will not let him have you. I want you. You are mine , Rose. He already lost his chance with you long back. He can't take you away from me. I will---"

"Brain, please don't do this. I can't love you." She said trying to make him understand her feelings.

"You fucking can, and you will." He shouted at her.

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