So far school has been okay, Carson, Angie, and Mason weren't here today so it's just me. I made my way to lunch and sat at our table by myself and just my luck, Ryan shows up but by himself this time.

"Well if it isn't little Paylinson the sob story, I bet that's the only reason your dads adopted you right?"

"That's not true my dads love me!"

"That's what they tell you, but they just felt bad for you, you don't actually believe that they will every love you as much as Niall and Harry who they got when they were young and actually watched them grow up. They have no connection with you at all, you're just some kid who got hurt that they felt bad for, but anyways that's not why I'm here! I'm here to tell you that just because I can't hurt you anymore doesn't mean I can't make you feel like shit!"

That comment stuck with me all day what if Ryan is right? Maybe Dad and Papa just felt bad for me, and of course they would love Niall and Harry more, they're their kids that they raised. I kept thinking until Dad's car pulled up and I hopped in not saying anything not that Dad said anything either. He seemed mad but I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to get in trouble. We got home and I walked inside and it was oddly quiet, Niall and Harry are at football so it would obviously be quiet but usually Papa would be watching TV or singing or something there was never just silence.

I just sat there doing homework until Dad finally came inside.

"Zayn go finish packing"

"I already finished last night"

"I didn't ask for an answer I asked for you to go upstairs and pack your damn bags!"

I quickly got out of my seat and ran upstairs to my room, I went through my suitcase and double checked everything I needed for tomorrow. I went back downstairs to see Dad reading something on his phone and Papa was still no where to be seen.

"Dad where is Papa?"

"Zayn I thought I told you to finish packing!"

"I-I already f-finished."

"T-took you l-long enough to s-say it, now go double and triple check everything!"

I nodded and then ran upstairs a tear escaping from my eye, maybe they were finally fed up with me. I wouldn't blame them though, I'm always clingy and I'm constantly getting sick or getting hurt. I let a few tears fall and just sat at the desk in my room and started to sketch some random stuff, the door opened and I turned around to see Dad there again.

"Zayn! If you don't start following directions I will not hesitate to pull you over my knee and smack the shit out of you! Now finish fucking pa-"

"Louis! Get the hell out of here!" Papa cut Dad off as he came up the stairs.

"No! Why should I Liam? I told the brat to pack ten times and he keeps back talking!"

"Louis! Look at him he's terrified of you and his stuff is already packed!"

I sat in the chair with my knees pulled up to my chest and tears falling down my face. Dad turned to look at me and his face softened, Papa told him to go cool down and come back up later.

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