Love Struck Dorks

Start from the beginning

A: Omg girl! Like help me please! It is a fashion emergency! A crisis! SOS ASAP s'il te plait (please).

After about five minutes:

M: OK I'll be right over! ;)

Alya sighed and waited. After twenty minutes she heard a knock at the front door of her house. She opened it excitedly expecting Marinette. wasn't.

"NINO!?" Alya squealed in shock and embarassment. Nino stood there wide eyed in shock and quickly turned away. "W-what are you doing here?"

Nino still turned around, while covering his eyes, replied,"I uh...just uhm..." As he stuttered Alya looked behind her and grabbed a sweatshirt. She put it on quickly and told Nino to turn. Nino reluctantly did so.

As Nino laid eyes on her, he gasped. He didn't know what it was. The crisp winter morning mist, or the new morning's radiant sun, maybe the sweatshirt she had on. He didn't know. What he knew was this, to him Alya sparkled brighter than a thousand stars, her flawless skin glowing with youth. Her eyes shimmering with excitement and mischief, her smiled shone brighter than the sun.

On the inside Nino had become a lovesick puddle of goo, his heart melting at the sight of her beauty. So this was love...

Nino took a deep breath, "Ok I'm here because..." another deep breath as he rubbed his sweaty neck nervously. "I came to ask you to...I mean if you would go to the Valentine dance at school next week...with me?" He blurted that last bit and gulped, then closed his eyes whilst waiting for the stabbing pain in his heart of rejection. He liked Alya a ton, and though she liked him, he still didn't know how much she felt for him.

"Nino..." He still didn't look at her. Alya leaned in and gently pressed her warm lips to his cheek. "...yes." Nino opened his eyes. Mouth open in a crooked love struck smile.

"O-ok...Saturday at 7 on the dot."

"Sounds good, bye Nino!" With that Alya closed the door and sighed. She pressed her back to the door and slid down it with love swelling in her heart. Alya bit her lip and then sighed to herself again. The dance! He asked me to the dance! She closed her eyes and grinned madly.

Moments later after a dazed Nino left the scene, someone else knocked at the door outside.

Alya once again opened the door. She laughed at the sight. Marinette covered in flour and holding a little girl in her arms.

"Marinette! At last!" She hugged her friend. Mari put the little girl down. "So who's this other little angel?"

"Her name is Adalyn (random french name). She's one of Manon's friends from the neighborhood. Her mother told Adalyn's mother about how I'm "great with kids" and so I couldn't say n-"

"Yeah yeah, you couldn't say no." Alya put her hands on her hips. She regarded Adalyn and bent over to her level. "So Adalyn, how old are you?"

Adalyn shyed away and hid behind Marinette. "Um?...uh..I'm f-five and a half..." She mumbled at last. Alya smiled at the similarities between the two girls in front of her.

"Well ok then," Alya smiled warmly at the little girl. "Hey how about we go to the park in a few, after your sitter helps me with something, ok?" Adalyn nodded politely. "Ok then here, you can watch whatever you'd like. Mari and I are in the other room."

Alya grabbed her friend and dragged Mari to her room.

"Ok Alya, so what's the iss-...woah." Marinette paused in the doorway of Alya's room. "What happened in here? A clothes-quake?"

Alya groaned. "Please help me."

"Uh...ok? What?"

"I need something to wear for...uh...something fancy and cute, please!"

"Alya..." Marinette raised a brow.

Alya pursed her lips. "Ok...I am going...onadate!"

Marinette gasped. "With who!?" Alya gave her a look. Marinette couldn't contain the squeals. "No! Oh my gosh Alya! Aaaaaaah!" Marinette's endless squeals filled the room. Alya covered her ears and then covered her friend's mouth.

Marinette batted her teary eyes with her hands and squealed into Alya's hand. "Shhhh! I don't want anyone else to know!"

Marinette got quiet and nodded. Alya released her mouth. "Ok, ok!" She couldn't hold it, so she squealed with her mouth closed. After she composed herself, "So wait you want my help?"


"Why?" Marinette asked confused.

"Becausssssssse, you are a total fashionista!" Alya screamed. "You're literally like the "Ladybug" of fashion!"

Marinette freaked out for a second. Ladybug!? Does she know? No way!...?  "Wow, hehe...Alya you're too kind, and too funny."

"Well it's true! Please help mon melliuer amie (my best friend)!"

"Ok, ok. But first chill, and second let's get this mess cleaned up."

The two girls cleaned up the mess and spent an hour picking up clothes and accessories. At last Alya and Marinette had agreed on an outfit. Alya hugged her friend, squeezing her in gratitude and love. "Marinette you're the best!"

"Oh it was no problem Alya."

"Oh I love you girlfriend!" Alya squeezed Marinette again. Mari laughed and hugged back.

"So about you and you know who..." Marinette wiggled her eyebrows and smirked at Alya. "When and where?"

"Uhm...I refuse to tell." Alya turned away laughing.

"No way tell me!"



"No, just later today ok, that's all I'm gonna spill!" Alya stuck her tongue out at Marinette. Marinette copied her friend.

"Oh ok, I'll leave you be...but only if you ask him to the Valentine's Day dance next Saturday."

"Uh...yeah. Fine ok..." Alya's hazel eyes flashed with childish guilt and devilry. If only Marinette knew that it had already been done. "Buuut... Only if you ask Adrien to go with you." She bopped Marinette on the nose. Alya had to admit, she was the best wing girl ever.

Marinette blushed furiously. "N-no way!" She shook her head vigorously, her hands clenched and unclenched with anxiety. "No...I can't!  Uh uh!"

"Well then I guess I won't ask Nino," Alya said cooly and acted as if she were inspecting her nails.

"...oooh..." Marinette groaned. She loved her friend, wanted her to be happy. She couldn't let Alya sacrifice her crush and feelings for Marinette's quirkyness and dorkyness and shyness and...Marinetteness! "FineI'llseewhatIcando..." She huffed at last.

Alya clapped, "Yes!" Marinette sighed. "Ok yes! So tomorrow you and me we can go shopping for dresses!"

"I have a better idea..." Marinette put her hand on her chin in thought.

"Yeah? What?"

"Let's design and make our own dresses!"

"Oh my God! YES! Marinette you genius! Yes! I love you! This is going on my blog!" Alya hugged Marinette for the nth time that day and they squealed.

"Oh hey but first let's go check on Adalyn! It's been an hour and I haven't heard a peep. We promised to take her to the park."

"Oh shoot! Yeah I forgot!" Alya facepalmed. "Let's go!"

The two headed out and found the little girl still watching the television. She heard them and turned around smiling. "Can we go out now?" She whined.

"Yes, let's go." Marinette took her hand and they left the house.

:3 Nyah
Ok so yay new chapter! Yeah yeah ik, I lied about when I'd update... but hey there are still a chapter on Wednesday night and Sunday morning! Whoooo ;)
Tell me if you liked it! :D  comment and vote! Thnx y'all k ciao.

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