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{once upon a time}
{first love - Killian Jones/Hook X reader}

You looked at him. He was different. He was not the Killian Jones from years ago. He had a malicious glare in his eyes, and he seemed to wear different clothes. You walked towards him, and felt the barrier ripple across your skin as you stepped passed it. It gave more power to you, and your clothes immediately changed.

You were in a tattered ball gown. It was a black with sequins along the corset part. Your hair was still messy, and your feet were bare. You ripped off the poofy part of the dress to make it easier to walk in. You walked up behind Hook, and kept the knife at his throat. You wiped some weird set substance from your dress. It was dirtied and bloodied, and you knew where it came from. You wondered of all dresses, why this one?


"Killian!" You exclaimed in joy. He had lifted you up, bridal style. You were at the ball, but then someone you wished wouldn't come did. This was the man, who on your wedding day, you had ran away from. It was an arranged marriage, and you didn't love him, but he clearly loved you. He vowed to get your heart back, but you were with Killian now.

And he was no where to be gone. The man walked up to you. Not man, Areah. His name was Areah. Areah Marinea, prince-now King- of the Eastern Jahed Realm. He saw you, and anger and jealousy flashed in his eyes. He made his way towards you, and his gaze only hardened at your clenched fists and teeth.

"Hello (y/n)" he said, a bitter taste filling his mouth. Even after all these years, she was still beautiful, he thought.

"Hello... King Areah." You said formally.

"No need for formalities my dear, I just wanted to.... catch up" he said, a face made of a terrifying type of glee.

"Nothing much, except for-" Killian came up from behind. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your forehead. Then he looked up to see a man.

"Who are you, and what are you doing to (y/n)?" He said, anger bubbling as his grip grew tighter.

"Nothing, we were once in love, now aquatinces" he said, smirking at Killian's red face.

"We were never in love" you spat, and turned around to kiss Killian on the lips.

"I see you have chosen... the pirate scoundrel." He says, face contorting with anger.

"How could you choose a life with riches and wealth, for whatever a thieving arse could give you?" He says, jealousy evident in his face.

"Do you know what he can give that you cannot?" You say, looking him straight in the face. You say his face harden, and his lips form a tight line as his fists clenched.

"He can give me love." You said, and with that, you rushed outside. Killian grabbed your waist as you stood outside. he turned your chin and kissed you sweetly, making you blush just a bit.

"you ok love?"

"I'm-I'm fine." you replied, laughing about at the mess you had just made.

Killian lifted you up, and tread over the river. He dropped you lightly on the floor, pushing you against the smooth bark of a birch and pressed his lips onto yours. Suddenly, you heard a low growl. You turned to see a pair of yellow eyes staring at you. There was no mercy in it. You grabbed your dagger, which was conveniently located under your last skirt. You pulled Killian behind you, and he wrapped his hook around your waist protectively. Suddenly, 4 more pairs of glowing yellow eyes appeared.

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