Josh Dun

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{twenty one pilots}
{When You Don't Give A Shit - Josh Dun x Reader}

School AU

You and your friends were that group. You know, that group that eats lunch on the floor. The weird group that everyone tries to stay away from but secretly thinks is hilarious. You guys are the ones that metal Scream traditional Spanish Songs and praying to Weed goddesses. The ones that make a band, pass out posters, drop a 4 song album, and then compete and win the battle of the bands in their school. Oh yes, everyone in the school remembers Heavy Metal, Rock, and a Tiny Piano, their first album 'Naked Butts Are Hot' and that one metal song about tampons and the problems of being a guy on his period.

Yes. That group.

You prided yourself on all guys hating you, but secretly you felt kinda lonely. That was ok, because, you didn't give a shit. You guys continued to act weird, and not care what others thought.

That was until, the new kids came. Two of them, actually. One short guy with tousled bright red hair and stretched ears, and another tall guy with brown hair and deep brown eyes. Until them, there were no 'crush-worthy' guys at your school, since basically all of them were personality-less, Nike-loving, basketball freak. At least for you. But they way they looked wasn't what drew you in. I mean, that was part of it, but his simple smile. Josh, the red-haired one. It was so warm and welcoming. Like the first time both of you met. You were rapping a song about Salad, pretending to play drums, while Chelsea was air-shredding, and Frankie on the air-synthesizer. One of your other friends, Remy, was writing the lyrics down as you went.

"They say gimme your salad, your salad

But I want to eat it

They think this thing ain't from the heavens, the heaven

But will they dare challenge god, yo?

*No longer like Lane Boy*

Green Lettuce - It be the bestest.

Got that tomato forever in rotato with that sauce, tho

That Dressing be Gucci with that on the top, tho

My salad shaken not stirred, damn right on the rocks tho,

People be hating they can get themselves a Bieber top, yo." (btw this is a real song, a real band, and a real album that me and my friends made. It's called Salad of the Gods, I'll ask if I can link it later)

You heard laughter behind you and spun around. You saw a pair of warm brown airs smiling at you, and your heart fluttered like when you saw Tate Langdon pecker Violet on the neck with kisses.

"Uh- Hi." You say. The girsl behind you scoffed, the fake white girls (Again, BASED ON TRU EVENTS)

"Hi to you as well."

"What brings you here to this part of the school?"

"Your wonderful drumming and rapping skills"

"Thank you, kind sir"

"Your welcome, fair lady"

You laughed with him.

"You guys got a band?"

You nodded. "Heavy Metal, Rock, and a tiny piano"


"Naked Butts are Hot"

"I agree-"

"Eh? Oh- that's- that's the name of the album"

"I know."


That left both of you off in an awkward silence, and he started to scrath his neck. He walked away nervously, leaving your heart doing summersaults.

*recent current timeh*

"So, uh, I actually came here, to uh, ask you something"

You raised an eyebrow ( i wish i gould doo tat)

"Can we just, maybe, uh, talk privately or something?"

I nodded and got up, and walked over to near the poles, gesturing Josh to follow.

"So, (y/n), there's that dance coming up." you nodded, not neccasarily forming wehre this was going. "And, uh, its mandatory for you to have a date, so?"

"You want me to go to the dance with you?"

"Yeah- your pretty and you're nice and crazy- i mean like in a good way - but not like pyscopathic crazy- I mean like your weird No! I mean-" He rambled on, not getting to a point. You just stood their, dumfounded.

"Josh, Josh wait." He stopped talking and looked at you, face red.

"You- You think, that, I, me, is pretty?"

He shuffled his feet his feet and looked at them, nodding and blushing.

"I guess, yeah."

"This- isn't a joke right? Jacob didn't put you up to this? Is this Oreo?" You checked around the corner, to see if there were any giggling boys trying to avoid your line of vision.

"What?! No! Why-Why would you say that? Are you going with so-someone else?"

"Wait what no-! Its just no-no one has ever, you know, liked me."

"Seriously? I thought that like all the guys would have asked you- and- and I thought I was too late but it was worth a try to get the girl I love on a date to the dance and I guess that was a long shot so I'll just be going now." He turns on his heels.

"Josh! No!" He turns around, surprised.

"What is it?"

"I'll go with you. I just - did you say you loved me?"

"Whaaaaaaaaaat? Nooooooooooooo!"


"Ok fine maybe yes. Its just, you're so perfect in every goddamn way, it's kinda killing me" Josh admits.

"I doubt that. Don;t lie to me ok? I'll go with you to the dance, um, pick me up at 5. Here's my dress and phone #." You hand him a piece of paper with your info.

"Uh- but I'm not lying"

"Josh seriously! just drop it okay?"

"(Y/n)! I really do love you! I'm sorry if you don't believe i-" He was stopped by you lips on his, both hearts erupting in thousands of butterflies. Josh pulled away first, touching his swollen lips and gasping for air.

"Josh, I think I love you too" you whispered.


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