When Everyone Finds Out

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We haven't told anyone about the baby yet. Hopefully no one will find out before we tell them. At the moment, only Cayce knows. I had to break the news to my friends back home. I pulled out my laptop and face times them.
"Ok guys before we start leaking drama to everyone, I have some important news." I say looking down at my stomach.
"What is it?" Asks Nathan.
"Well something happened after the Valentine's Dance and now....... I......I'm....." There was a moment of silence "I'm pregnant...."
Not another word. Their eyes widened, their mouths dropped. Tears rolled down my face.
"B......but....." Amanda said breaking the silence
"We've decided to keep the baby, we have two name ideas for each gender. Megan or Olivia and Lucas or Connor. We haven't told anyone but our families and Cayce. Now you guys know. I have to go now..... Time for school....
Bye...." I said while closing the laptop. Ignoring my friends trying to get my attention so they can scream their opinions in my face. I got up and got dressed. Before putting on my uniform shirt I looked at myself in the mirror turning to my profile.
"How the hell did you fuck up your life so much Alex?" I ask myself. I put the rest of my uniform on and head to school.
I get there and everyone is staring at me. I walk up to Drew
"Hey. What's going on?" I ask
"I didn't tell anyone...... They found out themselves." He responded. My mouth dropped and I turned around, hearing everyone's conversations about me.
"How can someone be such a slut?"
"I heard she was only with Drew cause of his dick"
"I honestly thought she was lesbian"
"She's such a slut!"
"How can someone fuck up their life this much?"
"And the slut of the year award goes to....!"
I couldn't take it anymore. I ran into the bathroom, tears in my eyes and pulled the knife from my lunchbox. I laid the blade on my wrist and sliced. It hurt so bad it felt good. I hated myself for doing this. I kept cutting my wrist, slicing faster. I dropped the knife and fell to the floor, sobbing. Why did this happen to me? Why..... Just why? I got up and out of the stall. I looked at myself in the mirror as some girls came in.
"Hey bitch! Maybe you should go fuck up my boyfriend. Heard he wants to be a dad too!" The girl said to my face
"How.... Can you be such a bitch?" I asked with anger. I ran out of there, running into Drew.
"Hey what's going...." He stopped talking and  looked down at my arm, blood oozing from the cuts. He pulled me into a hug as I cried loudly.
"I love you.... Ok? Everything's going to be ok.... I promise..... Don't listen to them. Now, you'll figure out who your real friends are." He kissed me. It felt so good until.....
"Hey Drew! How about you take my sister to the locker room? I heard you're really great at fucking up people's lives." The random guy yelled. We broke the kiss as he walked over the the wimp, holding him up by his collar.
"If you don't leave me and my girlfriend alone, I WILL kick your ass." He said then dropped the guy to the floor. Drew walked back to me and kissed me again, for effect. He held me by my waist as we walked away.
"Where we going?" I ask
"You'll see." He replied. What I didn't know was that we were going to the guidance counselor, for help for the baby and my depression. He lead me into the office, we sat down.
"Ok Alex, lets get started!" The woman said. I didn't pay attention really to anything else after that. The only thing in my head were what those mean bitches were saying about me. Drew was right, I've found out who my real friends are.
"Ok Alex, that's it! See you two next week!" She said too cheerfully, interrupting my thoughts.

Drew and I walked side by side down the hallway, my head on his shoulder, his hand around my waist. At that moment, everyone else talking and making up things about me, faded away. It was him and I taking on whatever those bitches had to say. Then I think, how the hell did I mess up this much?

After school, we don't even try to confront put friends. We know they'll most likely just bring me down. Cayce, Drew, and I went to get something to eat. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and ate until we thought we'd explode. We drove back to Drew's house and ran upstairs. We watched movies until we had to go. That made me feel less alone in the world. Like everything was going to be ok....

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