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I pull up to our new house and slap my sister awake.

"We're finally here." I say to her as she pops up and rubs her eyes.

I get out to take a look at the house. It has a front patio with white pillars on top of stone pillars. The color scheme is grey white and black. The house looks brand new with two stories.

Mom and dad aren't here yet, but they gave us a key so we could go in and choose our rooms.

I go upstairs and look to the door on the right I enter there and it's huge. With wood walls and a bay window. I look in one door and find a walk in closet. The next one is my own bathroom. I call it before my sister even gets upstairs. I look around even more and theirs a game room, three more rooms, and a bathroom in each bedroom.

"This place is huge!" I hear my sister shout from her new room.

I go outside and grab our bags. While my parents pull up.

We wait two days for the moving truck to come. I've already placed everything in my head and here it was. My king sized bed with black pillars holding onto a white canopy. A black dresser in the corner with a mirror attached. I black bookshelf was in the corner of my room near the bay window. I filled up my closet with all my clothes and arranged everything in my bathroom. Fairy lights were strung from the top of my bed, all around it.

"Alex!" My mother called.

I ran downstairs to see a letter in her hand.

"What's going on?" I say while walking into the room.

"Honey, you've been accepted to an arts and academics school!" She said all excited.

But I never tried out." I said while grabbing the letter.

"I sent in videos of you dancing and singing! Surprise!" My mom said excitedly but nervously at the same time.

"When do I start?" I asked with a serious look on my face.

"Monday. You have to go buy a uniform." She explained.

"I'll go now. What colors?" I said with a sigh

"Gray, white, and purple. Only Khaki bottoms." She said.

"Bye." I said while walking out the door.

It's Monday and it's my first day of school. I wake up at 5:00am and put on my uniform and my new converse. I brush my hair and put on my makeup. I leave my room and grab some breakfast. No one is up but me. I leave by 6:30 for my first day of school. I enter the school and go straight to the office. The principle gives me my schedule and my locker number and combination. I sit in the back corner in every class. In 7th period the desks are in groups.
I sit in the middle one and don't talk at all. Then two people walk up to me. A girl and a guy. The guy had light brown hair and black framed glasses. Big brown eyes inside the glasses. He seemed like a prep. The girl had shoulder length brown hair with side bangs, brown eyes and freckles.

"Hi I'm Cayce"

"Hi I'm Drew."

They both said while sitting down.

"Uh, Hi I'm Alex. I'm new." I said.

"I could tell. Everyone at this school talks to someone." Drew said with a smile.

He seems like a player.

"So what are your arts?" Cayce asked seeming actually interested.

"Dance and show choir." I replied.

"Well you're lucky you don't have to run the mile..." Drew said with a smile. I smiled and looked at him. I guess I kind of blushed because he just looked down and laughed.

"I'm in show choir too. I thought you looked familiar. You have it 5th period right?" Cayce said.

She actually seemed interested in what I had to say. Drew did too.

"Yeah I do." I replied.

"You seem awkward." Drew said.

"Well I'm sorry I've never really had any friends back in California." I said kind of flirting.

"You're from California?" He leaned forward with a smirk. Was he flirting with me? I looked him down and replied

"yeah. I am."

Cayce just sat there and watched us kind of flirt with each other. She could tell what's going on. We kind of sat there staring into each other's eyes. Is love at first sight even true? The bell rang and we still were staring. Our teacher came in. He seemed fun and like he'd be my favorite teacher.

"Ok guys we have a new student in class today. Her name is Alex."

That broke the staring. I looked over at our teacher and told me to stand up and tell something about myself. I stood up and said

"hi I'm Alex. I'm from California and moved here because my dad got a job promotion. I am a dancer and a singer."

I looked over at my teacher.

He said "great. Now today class we are learning about expository writing....."

I didn't pay attention the rest of the class. Drew, Cayce, and I were talking the whole time. The bell rang for the end of the day. I went outside and got in my car to leave. Drew came up to talk to me by knocking on my window.

I rolled it down and said "hey drew."

He replied "why you leaving so early?"

"don't you have other friends that actually are interesting and funny?" I said a little doubtful of myself.

"Not at all." He said while looking in my eyes.

I blushed a little.

"Maybe you me and Cayce could hang out tomorrow. You wanna do it?" He asked me

"sure!" I said over powerfully. "I didn't mean to be so.."

He cut me off "it's fine. Probably didn't expect to have friends your first day?" He said with a smirk.

"Honestly. Yeah. I don't really make friends easily. People find me weird." I said doubtful of myself.

"I don't" he said with a smile.

Why was he such a flirt?

"I have to go pick up my sister. See you tomorrow?" I said knowing the answer but asking anyways.

"Most definitely." He said while sitting up from the window of my car.

He lightly hit the end of my window and walked away. Smiling to me as I drove off.

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