"We said a walk not a fucking marathon, you've been gone for an hour! Just start cleaning!" Dad yelled.

I nodded and started cleaning the dishes I was finally done and started making my way to my room only for my shirt to be tugged back by Papa.

"Get to picking up the footballs!"

I started walking and of course it was slower than my normal pace which of course Papa had to pick up on.

"Faster Zayn we don't have all day!"

I made my way outside and started picking up the footballs, it hurt to move this much but I just did it to give myself some alone time, when you're alone your whole life you never think you would actually need alone time but I guess I do. I finally finished and walked back inside to see Papa waiting for me.

"I hope you learned your lesson."


"Jesus Zayn just get to your room!"

I made my way to my room and fell onto my bed and went to sleep dreading what was about to come tomorrow. I woke up and the pain I mentioned yesterday was a thousand times worse, I managed to get dressed and make my way downstairs without anyone noticing me, it was still pretty early and I didn't want Ryan to find me this morning so I left a note saying I walked to school, I would have ditched but I'm not up for that. I left the house and started my 2 mile walk to school managing to only fall from pain two times, a half hour later I got there and cars were just starting to show up which means I'm earlier than usual. I walked inside and went to my first class.

School just ended and I hadn't seen Ryan all day, I was making my walk home from school when there was a tug on my arm, and of course there was Ryan. He wasted no time punching the living day lights out of me and was about to hit my face when one of his friends reminded him not to because then they would just get caught.

"You're never getting out of this nightmare Paylinson!" Ryan seethed before throwing me to the ground and walking away.

I nodded and got up making my way home, I opened the door and Papa was pissed, no he was beyond pissed.


I was backed up in the corner scared for my life, I just didn't say anything and let him yell, because I deserved it, I'm an awful person, I deserve what Ryan does, I deserve what my parents did, and I deserve Papa yelling at me. I don't deserve having Papa and Dad as parents though and Niall and Harry as brothers, they're too good for me.

"Zayn I don't even know how to punish you anymore! Why have you been acting like this?"

I just shrugged and looked at him.

"Just go to your room!"

I nodded and made my way upstairs, I walked into the bathroom to look at my bruises and almost fainted, there was dried blood and bruises that were the darkest purple ever. It hurt so bad but I deserved it so I have to deal with it. I made my way to my bed when Niall came into my room.

"Zayn could you do us all a favor and stop fucking us up and messing with Papa he has never been this stressed and it's all your fault! Just stop or leave because Papa and Dad have done so much for you and you're just being horrible! Grow up won't you?"

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