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Author's Note: Thank you all for the votes you have been giving to this story. I really appreciate it. If you really enjoy the story, please do share it with your friends.
Picture of Samantha and Sasha given above

Location: America
Kinsley High School


Samantha was in the Principal's office, trying to hack her way through the documents. Sasha always came up with dangerous plans. Sam got in the system, afraid of tripping any firewalls. Nobody would even bail her if she got arrested.

"I saw the boy carrying something suspicious!", Sasha distracted the Principal outside the door with Evangeline leaning on it.

As soon as they left to check the boy's lockers, Sam knew she was alone in this now. It all depended on her.

Samantha had got even better in hacking since she joined a Hacker's community. It wasn't a cult but more of a home or safe haven for hackers. The place was wired in a way it disturbed signals If the police tried to track the location.

Sam got the file and started looking for Evangeline's name.

"Evangeline 'Evie' DeLentré
School ID no. 002077
Survival Skills (Written): 20/20
Martial Arts: 19/20
History: 20/20

How did she land in Wisdom?

As she heard the voice of the Principal,
she panicked and almost tripped an alarm. Samantha changed Evangeline's position to sub captain and when she was about to change the group, the voices got nearer. She tried to change the group but unfortunately it required another password.

"He is coming!" Sasha screamed making Samantha close the files and move to the other chair.

The door clicked open. "Who is coming, Sasha?" the principal asked.

"The Apocalypse!  To uh cleanse the sins of the world." Sasha exclaimed and sighed when she saw Sam sitting on the chair.

"Yes Samantha?" He looked at me and asked.

"Sir, I-i was um. I came here to ask you that- What are we- Where are we going for the trip?" she hesitated.

"I advice you to be at the auditorium in time. I'll announce it there. You may leave. Both of you." the principal said annoyed at the false accusation Sasha made.

Evangeline was waiting for them outside, curiousity gleaming in her eyes. "So?? " she asked.

"For some reason, you were in Wisdom. I could only change your position there but what interests me is that how did you end up there? You were in Skill, remember? We saw Ms. McCartney list your name there."

"It's okay. It all doesn't matter now." Evangeline sighed, "At least you risked so much just to change my position and group. Thanks Sam." she smiled at her.


Break was awkward for all of them. Evangeline was really sad which made the others unhappy.

"I'm really sorry Evangeline. I didn't mean to--" Jason said as Evangeline interrupt him.

"Apology accepted. It's okay now.
Let's talk about something else" she said half heartedly.

Sasha replied, "All the captains have been announced already. "

Jason cut in, "Well, not for the Wisdom group--"

"Who cares?" Samantha interrupted as she stole Jason's fries.

Evangeline laughed at the facial expression Jason gave to Sam for stealing his mouth watering fries. Evangeline turned to see Jake laughing with his friends.  He was further away in the cafeteria on the cool table or whatever. The it group.

She stood to go and say hi while leaving  but as she went towards him, someone spilled liquid on her - ruining the beautiful dress her sister had brought for her.

She looked at the spawn of the devil and narrowed her eyes to the mean girl in front of her -Sandra.

Sandra, the life destroyer. She was the passive aggressive, horrible and boastful student. Worse than Regina George!

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there. You seem so invisible. " Sandra said with no sorry expression on her face just a smile. Evangeline wanted to punch her but noticed Jake looking and tried to act like a lady.

"Leave me alone, Sandra"

"I'm sorry I ruined this beautiful dress, seems like you will have to wear your old ugly clothes" She laughed and went away. "She's trying to be her sister.", she heard them shout.

"Are you okay, E?" Sasha asked Evangeline as they came to check on her.

"I hate that girl. ", Samantha added.

"Don't we all?" Jason agreed.

"The day just got worse", Evangeline said with a smile, on the verge of a break down. I'm okay,  she lied to herself and went to the rest room to change into her extra clothes.

When she was done, they all went to the auditorium for the announcement.

This day cannot get worse.

Author's Note : I know this chapter was way to simple (according to me) but I thought you guys needed to know a bit more about the beginning and the characters.


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