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Hi guys, It's been a long time since I last updated and I'm sorry for that. My exams are coming up and I have so much pressure that I don't have time to write. I am really Sorry.
And also, I thought of changing the cast a bit. So Alex will be played by Simon Nessman instead of Dave Franco. Picture given above.

Location: Rome, Italy


"Where the hell are you?!", Samantha whispered over the phone to me.

"I don't know where I'm going." I spoke hesitantly.

You are the most careless person ever.

Who gets lost in Italy?



"Evangeline, What should I tell Aaron? He is asking for you."

Could it be that he cares about me? Nah, he's still a jerk.

"Tell him that I'm with Mrs. McCartney on the other bus. Their bus will arrive a little late at the hotel. By then, I'll have came up with something"

"Evangeline if anything happens to you I swear, I will never forgive myself. " Sam said, traces of sorrow in her voice.

"I'll be there. Okay? "

"Okay. "


I had a lot of fear at this moment. Because for starters, nothing was okay. I didn't have a plan. I had no idea what to do. I wanted to start crying so badly and all I could do was think about how my day started to now.


I entered the hotel restaurant fashionably late.

Okay, that's an excuse. I just woke up late.
And I'm pretty sure my grey skinny jeans and normal 'Nirvana' scoop neck T-shirt with my high ponytale didn't quite give me the fashionista look. I couldn't apply layers of makeup cause I had no time. Mascara and Lip gloss were my go-to look.

Not so instagram model material, at all.

Me and Samantha were welcomed into the restaurant with a cute smile from Jason and Sasha. Aaron was seemingly busy with his phone, not noticing we were there.

We walked further and sat next to Aaron since we had no choice. The other seats were taken. Ugh, my life!

Aaron refused to acknowledge our existence until I sighed, losing all hope in mankind.

"You're late" the words I'm welcomed with from Aaron whose eyes are still on the phone.

Finally he said something! I was starting to think we're invisible.

"Good morning to you too" I forced a smile, earning myself Aaron's signature deadly glare. No response.

And he looks back at his phone. 


"Actually, it was me who made her late. " Sam lied.

"If you are gonna lie, I suggest you be good at it. It makes you look like a fool when people realize that tongue of yours is twisted. So I would prefer no lying and punctuality." His dark onyx eyes left his phone and directed to Sam, "Am I clear?"

"Yeahhh. O-OKayy" Sam replied unsure about the tone in his voice.

"O-Okayy what?"

"Okay Captain?" She said as we exchange glances.

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