I was cut off from my thoughts by the kitchen door slamming and my parents standing there with looks that could kill on their faces.


"I-I d-didn't do I-it!"

"DONT TALK BACK!" Mom said smacking me across the face.

A tear fell down my cheek as I knew my beating was going to be real back because they were both home. It all happened very quickly, my clothes were ripped off and before I knew it I was being kicked, slapped, and whipped in every part of my body. I finally got a break when I heard a door knock down but that's the last thing I heard before I slipped into darkness.

*Present Time*

I slowly started to wake up hearing two hushed voices talking to each other, I opened my eyes to one man with ginger hair reading through a document and one man with brown feathery hair with bright blue eyes looking at the red haired one. I tried to move but whimpered in pain causing the red head to look up.

"Watch out bud, don't move very much you're very sore, anyways, why don't I introduce myself! I'm Ed, your social worker, and this over here is one of your new foster dads, Louis Paylinson."

"Hello love," Louis said.

I just waved a little bit and then looked back down at my hands trying to entertain myself.

"My husband Liam and my other two sons should be here soon, I have a son named Harry whose 16 and a son named Niall whose 17."

I smiled softly at him causing him to send a wide grin back, he seems really nice but I do not want to trust people just yet.

Two nurses came in soon after that and one started to take out my IV while another stood in front of the bed and started talking.

"Hello I'm your nurse Kayla, Zayn you're going to be very sore for the rest of the day and we will give you painkillers for the rest of the week. You are free to leave once all of the final tests are done, you do however need to work on eating, try starting with soups, puddings, and smoothies until you get used to eating. I also have a prescription of some pills to help your give your body some nutrients you have missed out on," she explained, mainly to Louis.

Once the nurses left Ed had to leave along with them so it was just me and Louis, he would tell jokes every once in awhile making me crack a smile but I just don't have the guts to talk yet. Several minutes later a tall well built man with brown hair and brown eyes entered with a bear in his hand.

"Hi Zayn, I'm Liam Paylinson, your other foster dad, my boys stayed home to help set up the room but they insisted I pick this up for you," he said handing over the bear.

I smiled at him taking the bear in my hands, it's was pretty cool because I've never actually had a stuffed animal or toy before.

"Well love, the nurse says that were good to go so how about you get dressed and then we head to the car, I'm sure the boys are excited to meet you." Louis said handing over a simple t shirt and sweatpants.

I nodded and went to stand up but immediately hissed in pain to which Louis and Liam each came over helped me so I didn't fall.

"Do you need help getting dressed buddy?" Louis asked.

I shyly nodded with a deep blush growing on my cheeks and Louis just smiled and picked me up causing me to tense up but slowly relax.

He brought me to the end of the bed and sat me down before taking off my hospital gown. I know that he saw my bruises but he didn't even mention them, he just continued to help me get changed which I'm entirely grateful for. I felt someone pick me up and looked to quickly realize it was Liam. He smiled warmly at me and brought me out to the car Louis trailing behind, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy his comfort because it was a bit chilly outside and he was a very warm individual.

I was placed into the car with a seatbelt pulled over me and pretty soon the car was moving. It was pretty weird because I've only been in a car a couple times before, one of them an ambulance but that barely counts because I was unconscious.

"Have you ever been in a car before Zayn?" Liam asked, I guess they caught on my weirded out expression.

"Once or twice when I was younger," I mumbled softly.

Liam and Louis both smiled brightly I guess excited that I talked.

"That's a lovely accent you have there, are you from Bradford?" Louis asked.

I nodded slowly and blushed a little bit before looking out the window to see that we were pulling into a driveway with a huge house. This was probably the most beautiful house I have ever seen. Liam came around and undid my seatbelt before picking me up and carrying me inside then placing me on the couch. Not long after, I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs.  I looked up to see two tall teenagers, one with curly brown hair and another with dirty blonde hair.

"Hi you must be Zayn! I'm Harry!"

"And I'm Niall!"

"Hi," I replied shyly with a slight smile.

"Boys you can have more time to hang out with Zayn tomorrow since it's Saturday but for right now we're going to get him to bed because it's been a long night, say goodnight boys!" Liam said.

Niall and Harry each came over and ruffled my hair while saying goodnight while Louis picked me up and took me upstairs with Liam following close behind. I was laid down on the bed and Liam turned a small desk lamp on for me, they both walked over and smiled.

"Okay so if you need to use the bathroom or need anything and can't get up we turned on this old baby monitor so you can just call for us and we will hear it ok?" Liam asked.

I nodded and smiled as they each gave me a small hug and tucked me into bed, and I don't know why but when they hugged me I just got all warm and fuzzy inside. They just met me and are already so nice and caring, I slowly started to fall asleep as I heard the door close.

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