Chapter 1

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Louis POV

I woke up this morning cuddled into my amazing husband, and today is a great day because it's the first day of school and because me and Liam get to be kid free for the day. I know what your thinking, don't they need to work? Well my mother was a very wealthy business owner and she passed away before we adopted Niall and Harry and left all of her fortune to us so we could start a family so me and Liam did just that. We adopted Harry and Niall together, they're biological brothers who were left at an orphanage one day, Harry was 1 when we got them and Niall was two. It was one of the best days of our lives but lucky for us now we're dealing with teenagers.

I got out of bed careful not to disturb Liam and made my way to Niall's room to wake him up because he usually takes longer.

"Come on Niall! First day of Junior Year! Let's get moving!"

"Ugh dad who needs school?"

"You do, especially if you want to get into college so you can get a job and move out or else you're stuck with me and papa's rules forever!"

"Okay okay I'm up!"

I chuckled and made my way to Harry's room, he's a very light sleeper but like Niall very very lazy. I walked over to the sleeping figure and tried to coax him awake.

"Cmon Harry it's time to wake up, sophomore year, it's a big year and you can't be late for your first day!"

He fluttered his eyes and got out of bed lazily with his blanket still around his shoulders and made his way to the bathroom without saying a single word causing me to roll my eyes. I walked downstairs to get a head start on breakfast when I saw Liam on the phone, weird, he never gets up this early. I took out the ingredients for waffle mix and plugged in the waffle maker and started making my famous chocolate chip waffles. It's a tradition for the first day of school, I've been doing it ever since the boys started going to school, I also do it for birthdays and stuff but it originated from the first day of school. After putting the waffles in the waffle maker Liam got off the phone.

"Who was that?"

"Oh it was Ed, he was wondering if we wanted to hang out at his house and watch the footie game we missed last night. You up for it?"

"Sure, we haven't had a guys day in awhile!"

"Good because I already said yes"

I laughed and finished up the waffles putting two on each plate with syrup and whipped cream along with two cups of coffee for me and Liam and some smoothies for the boys. Harry came down first in a simple flannel, skinny jeans, and a beanie.

"You look wonderful Haz," I said kissing him on the cheek, Liam following suit.

"Thanks dad!"

I winked and then started to eat my breakfast when Niall finally came down in an adidas sweatshirt with jeans and sneakers.

"Well if it isn't sleeping beauty!" Liam said.

Niall rolled his eyes and gave me and Liam hugs before sitting down at the table and took this as my chance to start taking pictures.

"Okay everybody say cheese!"

"Oh no! Cmon Papa make him stop!" Harry said.

"Sorry boys, you know dad just can't help himself when it comes to the first day of school," Liam smirked.

I chuckled and half hour of pictures later Liam was leaving to drop off the kids at school while I cleaned up from breakfast and started on the laundry.

*4 hours later*

Liam's POV

Me and Louis just arrived at Ed's house and we had about two and half hours until we had to pick the boys up so it gave us time to hang out. We were all on the couch having a beer and watching the game that we missed until Ed got a call causing him to leave the room. He got back and frantically started going through a stack of papers on his desk and writing down something.

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