“Help!” I squeezed my eyes shut but I didn’t hit the floor, I opened my eyes and looked up into a pair of blue-ish green eyes.

“I thought you said you’d watch where you was going next time?”

“Ugh, Jamie let go of me I was fine!”

“Oh, okay” He shrugged letting go of me making me fall hard on my ass.

“Ow!! What the hell did you do that for?” I asked glaring at him. He crouched down next to me

“You said I should let go Didn’t you?” He asked smiling slightly

“You…Ugh! Just help me get up” I ordered and he extended a hand pulling me up

“Dude I think you broke my ass!” I moaned

“Aw sorry pumpkin! Want me to kiss it better?” He asked leaning in and wiggling his eyebrows

“No!” I said rolling my eyes. I turned around and Trisha was barking at another dog

“Aw Trish, baby shhh” I cooed crouching down next to her “Whos dirty dog is this anyway?” I asked eyeing it suspiciously

“That’s my dirty dog actually” Jamie said taking hold of its leash

“God sakes Jami, would you just go away? Why are you everywhere?” I huffed crossing my arms

“I was taking Bandit for a walk round my new neighborhood, didn’t know it was illegal!” He said rolling his eyes.

“Well your gonna have to take me home ‘cause I can’t walk with a broken ass!” I said. He lifted an eyebrow but turned around and crouched down. I didn’t think he’d actually do it but he did. I climbed on, wrapping my arms round his neck and legs round his waist.He stood up effortlessly and I felt his hands on my ass and I bit the top of his ear

“Hands off buddy!” I warned

“It’s called support!” he chuckled. And off we went, Jamie Trisha Bandit and me walking down the street towards my house. When we got to my door he put me down and passed me Trisha’s Leash.

“Well, this was fun we should do this again sometime I mean carrying your heavy ass home was a real workout!” He joked making me laugh.

“Really? Breaking my ass wasn’t fun!”

“You should really let me check it out, make sure it’s ok” He said faking seriousness. I smiled and slapped his chest

“Go home, pervert!” I laughed shaking my head. He shrugged and walked back up my path turning and waving before disappearing down the road with his dog.

I turned and opened my front door just to come face to face with my Dad.

“Who was that?” He asked.

“Not now dad” I groaned putting Trisha in the living room.

“Don’t tell me ‘not now dad’ I want to know who that guy was!” He said making his voice go high

“It was nobody!” I sighed walking into the kitchen and putting down my water bottle.

“Then why was Mr Nobody carrying you around?” he asked as I opened the fridge hiding the smile that was slowly spreading on my face just thinking about it.

“I got hurt and he brought me home! He wouldn’t rape me then carry me home would he dad?” I asked sarcastically

“Well…” He began

“Ugh! MUM would you tell him to drop it already?” I asked turning to my mum who was making salad.

“David…” She warned

“I see her with a different guy almost every week! What do you expect?” He said shrugging I threw my hands up in the air dramatically and marched up the stairs. I slammed my door and laid down on my bed till dinner time.

At dinner I sat on opposite ends to my dad. He kept glaring at each other till I snapped.

“What? What is it? I TOLD you he’s nobody! God sakes dad, would you just believe me for once?”

“Natasha I didn’t say anything”

“But you’re thinking it! And giving me these looks! Stop dad just Stop!” I huffed

“I Just want to know who it is honey” He said pushing a forkful of spaghetti into his mouth

“A guy from school” I answered

“Boyfriend?” He asked

“I wouldn’t even call him a friend” I replied.

“I see no problem. See if you would’ve told me that from the start, we could’ve avoided it all” He shrugged

“I DID!” I huffed crossing my arms. He chuckled and carried on eating while Charlotte and mum just shook their heads, not bothering to get involved as always wich was probably a good idea.


Took a while to write thins ive been so busy its unreal!

Anyways I refuse to give up will be up next not sure when though maybe next week? Hope you had a nice Holiday guys :D

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