chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Ash! Ash! Mikey! So here you have it how I got into this smelly place, still not sure where I am. Let me out please! darling, sorry can't. We just have to wait till your fantastic vampire boyfriend come or fiance. Don't y'all read the media we broke up! What ever probably just a lie, good try sweetheart. Can I at least know where I am? While a lid open a guy not much bigger then me look at me with red eyes smiling, and saying in your grave, that soon be in maybe for good princess. Then out of no where the lid shut, leaving in the dark. James doing you really thinks she lying bout being dump by Zayn? I don't know, but not taking chances. Can I at less have food? When I'm ready to give it? All I'm saying they was kinda close back stage. Good to see at less one of y'all got a strong brain!

Who are you, who do you think?
Well you definitely not Zayn, of course I'm not Zayn, I'm her boyfriend Ashton fucking Irwin! Now where the hell is she! Hold on first, first we need to talk, what make you think dating just a plain human ok? Well we haven't thought that far, plus we didn't plan her being human forever. Plus her baby also? Should of known you would be still in the building bitch! Well always love a good show! Plus loving the pet name Ashy! Normally would be mean, but I'll take it. Our you really that stupid, I'm calling you it cause you act like one! Screw you wolf! Yeah right back at ya, another familiar voice said. Mikey really thought I told you to stay away. Sorry sounded like you needed help, plus I'm part of you pack. So is me and Calum. So now that we said what we came to say can we go? I guess, but we will be watching, to make you keep your promise. I suppose you want the girl. Please a hopefull voice said. Alright, James said opening the trap door. Here you go dog. Thanks, Ashton said looking phased and pulling me out. As soon as seeing me that frown change to a slight smile while some night Lexy? Although not over quite yet, one more surprise!

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