Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Hey Ashton not sure you know bout this, but there something important I need ya to know, that explains why I been hiding from as many cameras as possible, this whole month. Plus why I been acting weird around cameras lately. Let me guess some apps might hurt if they find out your just human. How you know? Zayn told me while you was in the shower. Plus you smell amazing by the way. Oh forgot Niall saw the future. Yeah, that is why you are to continue keeping that pretty face from looking up, when around others. You can be happy to be seen with me next year. Since I would hate if I ever lost ya. Might would have to got almighty wolf on them, to protect my princess. Plus your dad would kill all of us if something happen. True, so becareful. Any way you excited for tonight, since in california, plus mom meeting you before the concert. Of course! Plus the other guys get to meet to right. Of course.

Hey guys what y'all up to. Hush, quiet walking dead on. Ok I said while sitting between Luke and Ashton. Hey luke wanna make a cuddly sandwich. Is it bad that they both our smiling at each other, after looking at me. Next thing I know Luke and Ashton are cuddling from both sides. Plus kissing my cheeks, while sometimes Ashton will slip and kiss me on the mouth and nose. Gosh I love my cuddlers, Espectually when Lashton playful like this. Who could possibility not.

Hey mom so are you ready to see a experience backstage, you will never forget. Sure be my tour guide. Ok Well there not much but here the stadium, there the stage, and follow me. This is the make up studio where to make the guys look even better. Plus last room is the lounge where the guys usually hang out. Yeah or the room that we hang out in, so the staff knows we will stay out of trouble, plus of course work on music. By some chance you might recall who I am, but not sure. Let me guess your Ashton! Well good to know you remember trust me remember the people of that place not so hard. Although got to admit your height could had fool me since last time I saw you, you was half as long as my knee. Plus Lex was right, you grew up pretty well, my mom said while hugging a smiling Ashton. Well would like to see the rest of the guys sure. Alrighty then come on!

So this is Luke, Calum, Michael, and of course you know the One Direction gang, yes I have, nice to finally meet yall though. How are y'all? Are y'all ready for tonight. Of course plus we might have to be since time went fast today. Well since then if y'all want to eat after, then I would love a bit. Sure, plus can 1D go. Well of course. Good Luck y'all guys!

That was nice mom totally love you plus dinner went great. I had a feeling it would since I was acting my best to interest my best girl mom. Thank you, your amazing Ash, so are you my Lexibear. So what you wanna do? Netflix and chill. Alright anything for you babe.

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