Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Hey luke can I maybe talk to ya? Sure what about Lexy? Well has anything been wrong with Ashton. He been barely around me these few days. I mean I hopeing it's not because of a great night we had, and after that night. Plus is it he don't like me anymore? Espectually since I don't remember Ashton being protected. Ok Lexy calm down. First all trust me Ashton definitely still loves ya. How you know. Lets just say him hearing your name makes him smile. Plus are you going to tell him that you could be pregnant? I try, it just he been making me feel ignored. I'm sorry Lexy, I'll tell you what though. How bout I go get a pregnancy test and you just chill. Don't tell Ash anything till you know. Hey lukey where you headed? Well where ever it is be safe. Ok Ashton will do!

Hey Lexy. Hey Ash. Just making sure. Do you still like me? Of course I like and love my Lexibear. Why would you ask such A crazy question? How could anyone not like you? Well it seem like you didn't want anything to do with me since you know. No trust me I would never have sex and leave any girl, Espectually not you, just pap been crazy for a few days, and I been shopping for family. Oh ok. How is Anne, Harry, and Lauren any way. Oh their great, they miss you, and can't wait to see you. That good although Hopely I'm wrong, but not sure they be as happy if my theory could be real at all. Wait what theory? Please don't be mad Ash. Hey come sit on my lap and tell me. Um first did you use protection that night? Now that I think about don't think I did, plus you off the pill, you could be.....oh shit. I mean if you are I wouldn't care, we just have a little Ashton or Lexy on tour with us. Are you ok though? Judging I was most worry what you thought yes. Hey Lexy I'm back, oh hey Ashton, Luke said looking shock. Hey maybe Uncle, what that you got? Ashton said while smiling.

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