Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Hey Lexy? Wake up. What is it time to go nah, but if you don't mind can we talk. You think I'll be happy to know that not Zayn, but wrong since it happens to be the guy half naked in the bed with my ex. Yes I said ex!

Lexy I know your mad and rather not talk to me right now, but look I wanted to tell ya, but Zayn said y'all taking space, that might lead to breaking up. If I would of known, I would of said no to him. Guess all left to say is I'm so fucking sorry. You can forgive me or you don't have to. I just be in my room, with no Zayn, when you know. Liam don't get up just yet, you see even though hard I forgive ya, I could never stay mad at me leyum bear, come here. Big payne hug? Yes, but wait you did shower? Yes, Liam said laughing, can't you tell. No you still stink. What, no I..... Really Lexy that not funny, Liam said while giggling along with Ashton. Ashton you know better then to listen. Well sorry but ice cream melting. Well we can't let the ice cream melts let's go.

After while all that feel asleep was me, Ashton, and luke talking not random stuff. Luke went to get more ice cream, while I had my head on a pillow on Ashton lap. Ashton can I ask you something. Yeah anything Lexy. Am I ugly? No, Ashton said looking confuse. Am I mean, Lexy no of course not, why are you asking? I just wonder why cheat on me, after everything. Lexy some guys are just stupid he was, plus he lost a great amazing person. Plus must say I think I like him more. Geez thanks Ashton make me feel so much better. No, I mean he left and gave a guy Hopely someday maybe a better chance to have you. That have love and care for u since was a kid. You still like me after all I done since being here. Of course I do, I can't stay at this amazing, sweet, and beautiful girl in front of me, Ashton said while holding his hand to my cheek. Okay , just give me sometime to be single, and I'll be back for you. Love ya crazy give. Love you too vegimite loser. Hey!

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