Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Hey so I talk to Simon about you know what. Well we decided it best you stay out of sight as much as possible. Was it just Simon? Mostly it just you know I'm only agreeing because I care for you and don't want anything to happen to my Lexy. Even stay away from me for a few days, even all the others boys you can be around just hide your face from paps. Since like I said not sure about them. I guess that ok, can we at less be sneaky. Even though that be fun we can't. Lexy I'm doing this because I care and love ya. Please don't think I don't want to be around ya because I do, we just need to do this. Ok. Well I'm gonna go get pack. Alright night then. Night and love you Lexy.

What in the world is that noise? That sounds just like. No it can't be, but would he being doing anything like that, then me. Espectually in a house full of boys. Maybe, no, oh gosh. Why did I have to walk out of the room opening this do. Liam? Zayn? Is that really yall. What are y'all doing? Lexy please don't. Please don't what. Turn on the light. Lexy your just dreaming. Oh whatever zayn. Surely you......... What in the world going on. (can't believe what I'm seeing a half naked Liam and naked Zayn hug up together, not sure I want to know why there was moaning.) When ever y'all want to explain I'll be in the Living room.

Definitely ice cream, chocolate syrup, and whip cream, yeah. Since zayn should know this won't be going well, since wonder if he knows what loving and caring means. Plus can't stand Liars. Thought he was done with Liam. Any vegimite left in the fridge. I don't know, just got down here to have a bite before bed. Well sorry to burst your bubble, but you know eatting this will keep u up all night. Well Ash that kinda the plan, since not sure if going on tour the best idea.

What are u talking about of course you are. Lexy what wrong, did Zayn hurt you. Yes I caught him and Liam together in bed. Plus it just crazy he was telling me to stay away for a month. I never Thought it be that reason. So guessing he would of been ok with me not going at all. Well that's to bad. Why that to bad I'm not going. Yeah you are since I'm going and would love one of my top fans being there every show, plus I know all the others boys will miss ya. If it to hard to ride their bus, ride ours. You know it to hard to say no to you right? So is that a yes to going. Yes, since my best friend going, I reckon I should. Alright great, but um pretty sure we will need that ice cream before it melt, so Luke in their tell him to put in Mean Girls, while you get your self comfortable, ash said while hugging me close to his bare toned chest and kissing me on the forehead. I know I don't knowing why ashton being clingly, but right now I don't care, and glad he is.

Decided restarting to write one day early. How bout some Lexy and ashton though woot woot. Plus Liam with Zayn. Everyone happy Hopely in the future.

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