22. Crossing Fingers

Start from the beginning

‘Do you think us living together is going to work? Honestly?’ I question her, taking in the familiar surroundings. 

Her lips form a tight line and shakes her head. ‘I don’t, really. I just hope neither of you feels like you have to move out because it gets too hard and that’s why I think you need to talk to Ozzy and at least have some sort of friendship if its going to work.’

Hauling myself off of his bed, I go into my room and drop my things down. It’s a pretty basic room right now, painted a simple white with four walls and a double bed in the centre. The room overlooks the small garden we have and is next door to the bathroom, which will either be a godsend in the middle of the night, or horrible hearing everyone else do their business. Standing by the window, I grab my phone and text Leon a quick message 

I’m back at uni. Do you want to meet up? Xx

I’m actually in town. Want to meet for lunch? xx

I would love that :) xx

I head into town to meet Leon and I get a little excited as I approach him. With a broad smile on my face, I go at him with my arms open wide for a hug. We embrace, holding a little longer, before I pull away and look at him. We seamlessly begin talking about what we’ve been doing in the past few days. We walk hand in hand towards a restaurant we’ve decided upon for lunch, before broaching the subject that we really came to discuss. 

I have to begin, seeing as it is predominantly my decision about what is to happen between us. ‘I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I know I don’t want another relationship right now. But, I think I would like to just try out flirting and stuff not in a relationship. But if that’s going to be harder for you because of, you know, your feelings, then that’s completely fine.’

He pauses for a few moments, before looking at me and saying, ‘I do like you a lot, Imogen and that’s unlikely to change.’

I blush a little at his admittance of his feelings again. While I’ve been thinking about what I want to happen, I’ve replayed Leon’s words in my mind a lot, revelling in the light and happy buzz I feel with the attention. ‘I just want to have fun though, Leon.’

‘And you should. I completely understand that’

‘And I don’t mind having fun with you,’ I tell him with a smile.

‘Don’t mind or would like to?’ He teases with a grin, giving my hand a squeeze.

‘Would like to, but it’s your call.’ I can feel my cheeks blushing at my flirting as we go into the restaurant, letting the thought sink in with him before deciding. 

We order a plain margherita pizza, a salad to share and two glasses of white wine, with me chatting on about my new room in my new house, leaving our confirmation lingering in the air. He then brings out his phone and shows me a picture of me and him, beaming at one another from the night of his party whilst dancing in the garden and says, ‘Rex took it on his phone.’ We look so funny and happy together. The first time I’ve been happy in a long time. 

‘Will you add it to your Instagram wall?’ I question with intrigue. 

He smirks, ‘If you’re lucky. Only the special ones go on there.’

After eating, we walk out of the restaurant and head back to my house, when I explain that I’ve still not learnt how to drive again. It’s been playing on my mind more and more recently that I’m having to take the train and seeing my car not being used outside of my house seems a huge waste. 

‘Do you want me to teach you?’ He asks. ‘I could take you out and help you relearn.’


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